Connect April2019, Issue10 | Page 46

11 April, 2019 has been one of the very fruitful months for Area XI where we have witnessed Fund Raisers, Charter Ceremony of Rajkot Round Table-334, MTM and AEX of Area XI in Gandhidham. The details for the month of April, 2019 are as below: At the beginning of the month, we have received the Quarter Reports from various Tables of Area XI showcasing the activities done for Quarter 3. Further, at the beginning of the month, VVRT-210 had donated Computers, Printers and Stationery items at Sokhda School which benefited 280 kids. Area Chairman Ankit Agrawal and National Community Service Convenor Abhishek Goyal represented Area XI at the 4 th NEX held in Kochi. They have also been recognized with the President’s Star Pin in the 4 th NEX for doing the wonderful work benefitting Round Table India as a whole. Thereafter, ART-40 and AHRT-193 had organised an Inter Table Box Cricket Fellowship creating a good bond amongst each other. It is also a month of Fund Raisers where AHRT-193 had organized two Fund Raisers out of which the first one was a “Ladies Housie” and the second one was “Unfold the Mystery” by Ugesh Sarcar. They have generated good funds and mileage for Round table India. AFRT-199 had also organized a Family Outbound Fellowship where they have travelled to Jambudi and enjoyed Overnight Stay, Pool Fellowship, Party, etc. Rajkot RT CS Activity RT254 Bhoomi Poojan RT193 Fund Raiser RT135 Fund Raiser MTM Sports Meet RT328 Fund Raiser RT265 Fund Raiser Thereafter, ASRT-328 had also organized his Fund Raisers named “Ahmedabad Laughs” which was attended by more than 500 people and it also helped them in raising the funds and generating good publicity for Round Table India. SRT-135 had also organized their “Treasure Hunt – Drive to Educate” on 21 st of April, 2019 and more than 100 cars got