Publisher’s Letter
A quarterly publication by Westminster Consulting
A quarterly publication of fiduciary ideas by various
contributors within the industry.
Westminster Consulting, LLC.
Gabriella Martinez
Contributing Editors
Sean Patton, AIF®
Thomas Zamiara, AIFA®
Creative Director
elcome to our sixth issue of it means to be fiduciaries—whether you
Confero, which is dedicated are an investment fiduciary or an advisor
to the idea of Leadership and to fiduciaries.
Stewardship for investment fiduciaries.
Dan Sharpe, Esq. delves into a topic that
Our last issue focused on Education is getting a great deal of attention lately—
v. Advice for the participants of defined defined contribution plan fees. Dan outlines
contribution plans. This is an incredibly what plan fiduciaries must be doing in order
important topic as the United States moves to minimize fiduciary risk and improve
from a pension based system to a defined participant outcomes.
contribution retirement system. Trillions of
dollars are now in the hands of individuals Gabriel Potter encourages fiduciaries to
that may not be educated enough to make do more than just examine investments.
decisions on their own. If you missed this Stewardship refers to the appropriate
issue, please visit management of resources which do not
belong to you. Gabe reviews what it means
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