Confero Fall 2013: Issue 4 | Page 15

Time To Make Time bids for services. You have a fiduciary responsibility to evaluate the plan’s needs and search for the most suitable service providers with the most reasonable cost. This RFI is a ‘live’, ‘go-to-market’ exercise designed to provide a plan sponsor and fiduciary with the most current pricing data while outlining new and improved services and tools for plan participants they may not be aware of. Not only does this allow plan sponsors to provide participants with a better plan, but should the DOL’s law-enforcement arm—the Employee Benefits Securities Administration, or EBSA—come calling, the plan and plan fiduciary has proof they are fulfilling their fee disclosure duties and have demonstrated a fiduciary process and fiduciary prudence. Just as importantly, the plan sponsor can use this process to negotiate with providers for better pricing. Fee disclosure is all well and good as long as plan fiduciaries take an active role and recognize the need for the extra step to actually examine and perform an analysis of the plan. By taking the time to hire an outside expert, a plan fiduciary has proactively made a decision to protect themselves from liability and fulfill their moral duty to create better plan outcomes for their participants. Thus far, we have focused on plan fees and the liability associated with NOT actively assessing them; just as importantly, a plan’s fiduciary governance structure and procedures should be reviewed and monitored as well. There must be time made for Fiduciary committees to enforce good and sound fiduciary processes. Plan fiduciaries and their committees are strongly recommended to hold regular meetings and keep accurate records of all matters discussed. When significant decisions are made, those decisions should be documented, and any alternatives considered should be described. Finally, all appointing fiduciaries should be reviewed as well. So while plan fiduciaries often get distracted, side tracked, and overwhelmed by the stacks of papers on their desks; while their inbox grows, time must be made to assure the plan’s needs are being met in a competent, efficient, and price conscious manner. The solution is to engage in outside, independent experts, who can assist and partner with a plan’s fiduciary to make the best, freshest, and most delicious “donuts”. n | 13