Confero Fall 2013: Issue 4 | Page 14

Feature Plan fiduciaries often wear more than just one “hat” for their employer. They have various responsibilities and are often saddled with a myriad of roles besides being a “plan fiduciary.” They are usually also the CFO, HR execs, or VP’s of Finance and accounting, who often have the added pressure to increase sales, cut costs and improve profitability. In addition to their daily day-to-day roles and responsibilities, a plan fiduciary has decision making authority over the retirement plan(s) and is duty-bound to take non-conflicted, affirmative action(s) for the sole benefit of plan participants and their beneficiaries. You may not have any worries. You may not even be thinking about your retirement plan. Your firm’s current retirement plan may actually seem to be going well. Your employees might be participating in pretty good numbers. Everyone may seem happy. You haven’t heard of many complaints and you have a few meetings a year where you—and your committee—listen to service provider updates and investment data and your returns seem within appropriate ranges. All seems great, right? Not necessarily. Those donuts aren’t ‘fresh’! There is a lot more you need to be aware of and to be proactively doing to ensure you meet the standards of fiduciary