Asian American Theatre : Uncovering History & Imagining Future Directions Tracks : College / University , High School , Youth Theatre Presenter : Saya Jenks Location : Crowne Plaza – McKinley – Third Floor
Updated 7.26.23
SESSION BLOCK 7 Saturday , 2:30pm-3:45pm
Asian American Theatre : Uncovering History & Imagining Future Directions will be a creatively generative workshop for Asian-identifying and non-Asian identifying artists alike . All exercises will be collaborative , involve individual reflection and small group work , and involve full-group discussions . First , participants will take stock of their knowledge of Asian American history , especially as it relates to theatre and the performing arts . The second activity will help participants reflect on their positionality in regards to Asian America and its cultural impact . The workshop will culminate in creating the beginnings of new theatre pieces that center Asian American stories . This workshop aims to give theatre educators tools to address how white supremacy uniquely affects people of Asian descent in the U . S . so that they can radically imagine what depictions of Asian American life we , as Asian Americans and allies , want to see , so that we can guide our students to do the same .
Disability and Creative Theater-Making with Dandylyon Drama ' s CAPE Track : Applied Theatre Presenters : Maddie N . Zdeblick , Logan Fenske , Sue Ann Lemkin & Melani Lyons Location : Crowne Plaza – Carlsbad – Lower Lobby Level
In this session , participants will be introduced to the work of Dandylyon Drama ' s Creative Adaptive Performance Ensemble ( CAPE ), a hybrid collective dedicated to producing innovative film and theater pieces that embrace disability as a creative asset . We will begin the session by sharing two short films devised and produced by the CAPE community during the COVID-19 lockdown , " We ' ve Got Talent ," and " Double Trouble : The CAPE Muppet Movie ." Next , a group of CAPE artists “ adults with disabilities " will participate in a panel discussion about these films and their creative process . Directly following , Maddie N . Zdeblick will share results from a qualitative inquiry conducted with CAPE students in 2022 , with implications for theater educators looking to center the agency of students with disabilities within drama-based pedagogy . Finally , Maddie N . Zdeblick , Melani Lyons , and CAPE artists will lead participants through a series of CAPE ' s favorite warm-ups and theater games . Participants will leave this session with both a greater appreciation of disability ' s creative potential within educational theater and practical tools they can use to make their theater contexts more accessible and inclusive .
Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities of Creating Activist , Antiracist Theater with Teen Girls & Nonbinary Youth Tracks : Applied Theatre , High School , Youth Theatre Presenter : Dana Edell Location : Crowne Plaza – Parkside – Second Floor
This workshop explores techniques , challenges and strategies of devising activist , antiracist theater with multiracial groups of teenage girls and nonbinary youth . Dana Edell , a white woman who has co-directed more than 75 original theater productions written by Black , Latinx and white teenagers , will share personal stories , wisdom , struggles and strategies related to making collaborative , activist theater as a tool to end racism in teens ' schools , relationships and communities based on her 25 + years in the field . She will reflect honestly on the ruptures , microaggressions and challenges of speaking up and theatermaking explicitly about race . The guiding questions for the workshop are : What are the strategies , opportunities and challenges of creating original , activist , antiracist performances with a multiracial group of teenagers , marginalized by gender ? What are the responsibilities of white leaders and white teens in addressing and challenging racism within multiracial