SESSION BLOCK 3 Friday , 10:30am-11:45am
A Complete Classroom Management System for Drama , Arts Integration , Equality , and Inclusion Track : PreK-8 Presenter : Jonas Basom Location : Crowne Plaza – San Juan – Fifth Floor
This complete system of classroom management for all ages covers rules & consequences , signals & cues , routines & procedures , partnering & grouping , managing space , noise , energy , and challenging personality types . It promotes equity and inclusion for students of all backgrounds and levels of language and experience through cooperation and group awareness . This will be a hands-on workshop in which all participants will experience a condensed version of a three-hour professional development that has been given in school districts throughout the country and internationally . Participants will discover how to present and engage students in a clear set of drama rules and behavior expectations , how to set up any space for maximum focus and creative expression , how to deal with difficult or challenging behaviors and personalities , and how to establish and maintain physical and emotional safety for all players in the room . Participants will learn strategies for crowd control , getting attention , and the use of clear signals and cues . They will learn how to use flashcards to spark creative ideas , expand creative possibilities , and maintain pacing and flow during activities . Participants will learn space management and smooth transitions by participating in activities for each of the five group shapes by quickly and cooperatively making these shapes and building routines and procedures that set the teacher and students up for success while reinforcing equality , inclusion , and group awareness . We will also reflect upon and make connections during and after each activity to arts integration , differentiated instruction , English Language Learners , inclusion , and social justice . The strategies covered in this workshop are tried and true coming from 22 years of teaching experience at all grade levels including college courses for teachers . These are practical ideas that maximize student engagement , focus , commitment , creativity , respect , and understanding toward each other .
Arts Integration Illuminated : Combining Arts & Coaching to Activate Teacher Critical Thinking Tracks : College / University , PreK-8 Presenters : Meghan Schenker-Fulcher & Rebecca Stevens Location : Crowne Plaza – Parkside – Second Floor
This workshop will illuminate the process of arts integration through drama-based pedagogy strategies and arts-integrated instructional coaching . We will highlight the potential and flexibility of drama-based pedagogy to facilitate learning across the curriculum . This workshop will highlight a Weber State University project that utilizes a coaching cycle to provide educators in a statewide arts integration program with the sequential , art form , and school-level-specific professional development . This professional development model is designed to empower teachers to engage in the critical thinking process and asks them to consider how arts integration practices can enhance culturally responsive teaching . Our essential questions for this workshop are : What is arts integration ? How do we make connections between the arts and the curriculum ? How does arts integration benefit both educators and students ?
Updated 7.26.23