Theatre in a Flash : Producing Rapid Time-Bound Theatre Festivals Tracks : Applied Theatre , College / University , High School Presenters : Zac Curtis & Mindy Curtis Location : Crowne Plaza – McKinley – Third Floor
Explore and learn how to create high stakes , immediate , and relevant theatre with young artists . Rapid Time- Bound Theatre is a flexible form of performance creation . The timeline , limitations , structure , and performance mode can change to meet the unique needs of any set of artists and their circumstances . Zac Curtis has worked with children , high school students , college students , and community members to produce the creation of short plays , original dance , poetry , visual art , fashion , and both vocal and instrumental music performances . One key quality of rapid time-bound theatre is its ability to adjust and meet the needs of any unique group or situation , making art accessible and available to creators from diverse backgrounds , interests , and priorities . In this workshop , Zac aims to educate , enable , and empower theatre educators and practitioners to effectively execute rapid time-bound theatre festivals , which can enrich and connect their programs and communities in both an extraordinary and functional way . Zac will provide structures , forms , and the concepts behind a variety of Rapid Time-Bound Theatre formats and help teachers bring new theatre formats into their classrooms , theatres , and communities .
Updated 7.26.23