Jacqui Kavanagh , CEO of EDGE Venues |
Caroline Lumgair Wiseman , Group head of strategic meetings solutions , Strata |
Hayley Nicholson , Owner of Nuff said agency |
Gina Kay , Marking manager , Mash Media |
Jacqui Kavanagh gives some agency insights on changing trends in meetings procurement . She says our industry now has no glass ceiling and is one which engages all people at all stages of life . It is an industry that keeps on giving and continually challenges us to do more . Jacqui advises how to do just that . P12 |
Caroline Lumgair Wiseman discusses the need to reimagine strategic meetings management and why it ’ s imperative to ‘ be the client ’. She ’ s urges eventprofs to infuse their work with the excitement of what a seasoned professional might wish to explore and embrace for themselves . P24 |
Hayley Nicholson shares her thoughts on the need for bigger investment into content and speakers . She says she ’ s never seen or heard of a clear policy on what is offered to speakers and that such rewards are usually ‘ hush-hush ’. At minimum , transport costs should be covered and , ideally , much more besides , she argues . P35 |
Gina Kay examines the festivalisation of business events and says the lines are blurring . With millennials and Gen Z likely to make up two-thirds of the workforce by 2030 , there ’ s a palpable shift , she believes , towards creating immersive , community-driven experiences . P39 |