53 Recruitment
with the key client relationships . What would you do if that person resigned tomorrow ?
Take a look at the team around that person and see what gaps their team have in their skills or specific experiences .
Start training them up to improve and support them but not to specifically take over the role - otherwise they could be ready and there ’ s no role for them to move into post-training .
But instead , look at what skills your key people have and look to train those skills in their teams .
It ’ s good to talk
Speak to your key people . Don ’ t tell them that you are worried about them leaving , but do genuinely make enquires about how they are . In their next one-to -one simply ask them ; how are you ? How are you really ? What can I do to make your life easier ? Where are your pinch points ? What do you think could be improved in your role ? Where can I alleviate any stress ?
Ask them open questions about what they need for now and the future , rather than simply asking about what they ’ ve done . You could even push slightly more and ask them about their aspirations ; what would you like to do next ? Where in the business would you like to go ?
Questions like these may get them thinking about their future in the organisation and inspire and motive them to look ahead , and it shows that you are thinking of their future too . Just don ’ t ask them where they see themselves in five years .
Have you got a recruitment agency lined up or your internal team briefed and ready to go ? Meeting external recruiters now and laying down the foundations of a relationship will pay dividends further down the line when the merry-go-round starts in full force .
Social recruiting
Are you incorporating some social recruitment posts into your media schedule ? Make sure that you include some content about what it ’ s like to work at your company , what the people are like , what activities you do etc . The first thing any candidate will do is to have a scroll through your social media – so you can ’ t just start posting recruitment related content the day before you want to recruit . Is your career page up to date and relevant to the talent that you want to attract and more importantly , does it showcase your employer brand as well as your consumer brand ?
By the early summer , recruitment will be like the wild west again . Everyone that would have moved jobs in the first quarter of the year will be looking to move and it ’ s going to be absolute madness . Start now , get prepared and make sure you have your strategy in place . CN www . conference-news . co . uk