52 Recruitment
Robert Kenward , Fitability © recruiter at You Search & Select and co-founder at You Exclusive , talks about preparing for the summer recruitment boom
eople are staying put ; not because they really want to , but because they are worried . Rises in inflation and mortgage rates , alongside the general talk of a worsening economy , is driving fear into job seekers who would normally have reached the point in their career to move on . Redundancies are often decided on a ‘ last in first out ’ methodology and this is scaring people enough to decide not to move jobs now and to sit tight .
This current lull in recruitment won ’ t last long ; Q2 and Q3 are going to be stupidly busy as people start moving jobs , the money we ’ re seeing trickling into the industry starts to pour in as forecasted and so the merry go round of recruitment spins into action again . We now have a wealth of new , smaller , agile and progressive agencies who take a people first focus . They are all vying for the same talent and offering fresh , new and shiny places to work .
All this combined means that
Robert Kenward
“ By the early summer , recruitment will be like the wild west again . Everyone that would have moved jobs in the first quarter of the year will be looking to move and it ’ s going to be absolute madness .” now is the ideal time to get ready and to ensure that your company ’ s succession plan is robust and fit for purpose . Don ’ t wait until you must recruit to get your recruitment and succession strategy in place .
Consider your key roles
Which roles are vital to your organisation ? Which are the roles with a lot of responsibility and accountability ? Who are the conduits to your organisation – these are often ( but not solely ) the client facing people , or those www . conference-news . co . uk