Conference News October 2022 | Page 27

27 Sustainability Report with only 25 % having signed a pledge to commit to net-zero . This shows there is room to grow on the corporate social responsibility and internal best practices front .
The overwhelming finding from our research is that there is a willingness to make sustainable change – but that the practicalities of doing so often get in the way of real innovation on both an organisational and industry-wide scale .
The changing landscape
This research will be vital for organisations wishing to implement sustainable change . Make no mistake , it will be a challenge , but one that will be business-critical for long-term success .
With the cost of living , Brexit and inflation meaning that events are now running on tighter margins than ever before , it is tempting for organisations to put sustainability on the back burner . But with sustainable commitments , the road to net-zero and a new government in the UK , could the green agenda be a matter of mandate sooner rather than later ?
What this means for events is that organisations that are ahead of the curve and implementing in the early stages will be better placed to run successful events in an ever-changing landscape . CN
Key takeaways
Governance and guidance : 87 % agree government need to introduce industry legislation . Do we need more industry visibility to achieve this ? The first step is for businesses to make a green pledge and enact internal policies to make sustainable change .
Adopt education and training to better understand : Only 36 % of organisations
educate / train employees around sustainability . Knowledge across an organisation is vital for change and increasing visibility around sustainability helps to push the sustainable agenda .
Invest in the future :
74 % believe organisations should commit a % of their budget to sustainability . While high , the cost of not investing in
sustainability now is being left behind tomorrow – there is a will to commit spend , events businesses should act on this desire .
Procure better :
Only 17 % of organisations audit environmental claims made by the companies they work with . It ’ s time to be more diligent – create sustainable procurement policies and audit regularly .
Want to find out more ?
Download the Shaping a Sustainable Future whitepaper for more data , actionable insights , expert opinions and practical next steps .
www . conference-news . co . uk