Conference News Autumn 2023 | Page 56

Delivering Sustainable Events

Showcase ’ s commitment to sustainability continues at a pace , thanks to its partnership with KB Event , pioneers of using palm oil free HVO fuel in all its vehicles . The two companies have just launched their joint campaign # DrivingSustainabilityTogether , which aims to promote this greener method of transporting the elements that make up events around the UK and Europe .
Showcase and KB Event believe that whilst recyclable materials at an event is a step in the right sustainable direction , the event ’ s carbon footprint will only be considerably lowered , if the transport used is equally sustainable . Hence the new # DrivingSustainabilityTogether campaign . Their 9-year relationship is being taken to the next level with their joint vision of all event transportation using palm oil free HVO fuel . Both parties are aware that this cleaner fuel is more expensive and that some event organisers and agencies might struggle with the extra cost incurred , but Showcase has committed to delivering all of their clients ’ events – regardless of whether or not their client foots the bill for the price difference – on palm oil free HVO .
Showcase Founder & MD , Ben Collings and KB Event MD , Richard Burnett discuss the partnership and their passion for delivering sustainable events . Scan to watch their # DrivingSustainabilityTogether video .
To discuss how we could make your next event more sustainable , please contact hello @ weareshowcase . com
Showcase has a long history of putting sustainability at the forefront of the events it is involved with , Homes UK a recent event , gives testament to this fact . The client ’ s brief had sustainability at its heart ; materials were to be natural and recyclable , but more importantly they wanted the design scheme for each event space to be reused over their two 2023 shows . Showcase achieved this by utilising digital screens for sponsorship opportunities rather than the usual graphic walling , this meant it would not be date-lined or event specific . All print was on recyclable material which included material fabrics and boards . In keeping with sustainability , all the plants were living vegetation , as opposed to plastic .
# DrivingSustainabilityTogether , is part of Showcase ’ s Sustainability Charter , which is reviewed and revised every year . For 2023 , in addition to using palm free oil HVO , their goals are to :
• Continue to capture and offset their carbon impact as a result of travel and expand into covering Scope 3 emissions
• Explore how to increase their collection of waste plastics to include packaging currently disposed of on-site
• Work with the community on tackling the effects of sustainability
• Design using sustainable materials and re-purpose items where possible and feasible
Tel : 08458 336 515 Email : hello @ weareshowcase . com weareshowcase . com we _ are _ showcase