Conference & Meetings World Issue 130 Issue 130 | Page 25


AI Destination Finder


OK DAMS recently launched its AI DestinationFinder , developed to calculate the CO2 emissions and costs associated with the travel of event attendees and to propose approaches for reducing them . By analysing travel times , costs , and CO2 emissions , the tool provides event decision-makers with insights and recommendations for planning . From selecting the optimal event venue , to planning more sustainable travel routes , the application offers a solution to make events and live marketing more efficient and responsible . The tool is based on real-time data and analyses millions of data points and delivers results to make the best decisions . The agency says that by planning business trips strategically , companies can not only reduce environmental impact but also make more efficient use of employees ’ time and save significant costs . Travel times , route optimisation , and the use of sustainable transportation are crucial factors in conserving resources and increasing productivity and VOK DAMS claims its AI DestinationFinder can enable organisers to realise savings of up to 30 %.
The agency is also offering companies worldwide the opportunity to assess their current digital maturity in event marketing for free via the agency ’ s own Digitalisation Index . The Index uses defined dimensions to determine to what extent a company has progressed in the digitalisation of event marketing . Companies receive an overview of their current status and individual development potentials . “ We have found that companies on the path to digital event marketing often only consider the technological aspect ,” says Colja Dams . “ Therefore ,” he says , “ it was important for us to create a model that allows for a comprehensive view of the areas of development .” The Digi-Index identifies skills in its eight dimensions that play a significant role in digitalisation . The focus is not only on digital tools and process but also on aspects such as culture and skills , creation and content , and agile event management . The assignment to a maturity level depends on the performance of companies in the respective dimensions . These extend over five levels from Digital Explorers , who are taking their first steps in digital event marketing , to Digital Masters , who already provide their
“ No AI tool can fully replace the magic and energy of a live event .”
n VOK DAMS is active in 19 locations worldwide , with clients including BMW , Bayer , Grohe , Lamborghini , Porsche and SAP .
n Find out more about VOK DAMS on the agency ’ s website
target groups with a holistic experience throughout the entire customer journey . “ For Digital Masters , ‘ connected experiences ’ are as natural as the continuous collection and evaluation of target group data . They deliver personalised content , thereby serving the individual needs of their target audience ,” explains Stephanie Günther , consultant at VOK DAMS . Colja Dams adds : “ So far , we have not encountered any companies that have reached the maturity level of a Digital Master in all dimensions . However , we are confident that the development will move in this direction – and quickly . With the Digitalisation Index , companies can precisely determine which levers they need to adjust to make events and live marketing even more captivating and impressive in the future .” The VOK DAMS Dig-Index claims to be able to determine your digital status in 30 minutes . Katja Reinhardt , the company ’ s head of relationship management is offering to provide free Digi-Index for those contacting her on : info @ vokdams . de . n