Conference & Meetings World Issue 130 Issue 130 | Page 24


AI drives Live



I systems have reached unprecedented heights , they are now capable of imitating human-like behaviour – from image recognition to language processing . Beyond technology , AI holds immense potential for a sustainable future : It optimises energy , and drives efficiency . AI technologies influence events but will also lead to more live events taking place . In other words : AI drives Live !
Maximise engagement and thrill Current behavioural analyses show that people ’ s attention spans are getting shorter ; it is crucial to provide them with relevant information at the right time and place . AI-powered systems can take this into account and deliver relevant information in real-time at the right moment . By analysing data such as location , schedule and preferences , event organisers can provide guests with real-time notifications , personalised schedules and location recommendations . AI algorithms can also analyse interests and behavioural patterns to generate tailored content . Pre-event and post-event communication can be targeted to align with participants ’ interests , making them feel more engaged and motivated . Another advantage of AI lies in creating a more inclusive atmosphere at events . AI tools can facilitate real-time audio-to-audio simultaneous translation , overcoming language barriers . This can improve cultural exchange at international events . Additionally , AI can play a vital role in the interactive design of events . The use of chatbots or voice assistants allows participants to ask questions and enjoy interactive experiences . AI-powered image recognition and generation algorithms enable the creation of personalised visual content . AI can also be used in production to create stunning visual effects , virtual stage designs , and interactive projections . This leaves a lasting impression on the audience .
Utilising AI-driven analytics AI possesses the capability to handle vast amounts of data and process it more effectively than humans . AI presents almost endless possibilities to harness and utilise data , enabling informed decision-making .
AI not only facilitates the utilisation of data but also its collection . Through
Above : Colja Dams
“ AI-powered image recognition and generation algorithms enable the creation of personalised visual content .”
analytical techniques such as facial and sentiment analysis or behaviour tracking , AI can assist us in capturing information about visitor satisfaction and interests . Based on this data , event managers can derive new strategies and optimise their event concept . Data analysis empowers making well-informed and transparent decisions based on facts rather than relying solely on intuition . By employing AI analytics , event managers can analyse feedback , measure visitor engagement and evaluate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns . This enables more precise planning and a better understanding of target audiences , while making decisions based on a solid data . Overall , it can be said AI is changing the world of live events in the long term . From planning and organisation , to interaction , personalised content delivery and security . The future advancement of AI will undoubtedly lead to even more impressive and innovative event experiences . We are already witnessing the transformative power of AI in the experiential industry . although the question arises as to whether live events will come to an end in the medium term as digitisation continues to develop . We are certain : No AI tool can fully replace the magic and energy of a live event . The desire in each of us to sit around the campfire with other people , telling stories and interacting with each other . This is what we call the Campfire Gene . Live events serve as authentic , emotional , and credible channels of interaction and communication in our increasingly digital world . They foster unique connections , creating an atmosphere difficult to replicate digitally . The shared experience forms lasting emotional bonds and cherished memories . No matter how good AI will get , it will never replace human ’ s desire to gather and share stories . AI tools will make events better but will never replace them . n