Conceptos_De_Administracion_Estrategica_redacted(1) Sep. 2016 | Page 64

32 PARTE 1 • VISIÓN GENERAL DE LA ADMINISTRACIÓN ESTRATÉGICA NOTAS 1. Kevin Maney, “The Net Effect: Evolution or Revolution?”, USA Today, 9 de agosto de 1999, p. B1. 2. Peter Drucker, Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, and Practices, Nueva York: Harper & Row, 1974, p. 611. 3. Alfred Sloan, Jr., Adventures of the White Collar Man, Nueva York, Doubleday, 1941, p. 104. 4. Cita tomada de Eugene Raudsepp, “Can You Trust Your Hunches?”, Management Review 49, núm. 4, abril de 1960, p. 7. 5. Stephen Harper, “Intuition: What Separates Executives from Managers”, Business Horizons 31, núm. 5, septiembre-octubre de 1988, p. 16. 6. Ron Nelson, “How to Be a Manager”, Success, julio-agosto de 1985, p. 69. 7. Bruce Henderson, Henderson on Corporate Strategy, Boston, Abt Books, 1979, p. 6. 8. Robert Waterman, Jr., The Renewal Factor: How the Best Get and Keep the Competitive Edge, Nueva York, Bantam, 1987. Véase también Business Week, 14 de septiembre de 1987, p. 100; también Academy of Management Executive 3, núm. 2, mayo de 1989, p. 115. 9. Ethan Smith, “How Old Media Can Survive in a New World”, Wall Street Journal, 23 de mayo de 2005, p. R4. 10. Lynn Lunsford y Daniel Michaels, “After Four Years in the Rear, Boeing Is Set to Jet Past Airbus”, Wall Street Journal, 10 de junio de 2005, p. A1. 11. Daniel Delmar, “The Rise of the CSO”, Organization Design, marzo-abril de 2003, pp. 8-10. 12. John Pearce II y Fred David, “The Bottom Line on Corporate Mission Statements”, Academy of Management Executive 1, núm. 2, mayo de 1987, p. 109. 13. Fred R. David, “How Companies Define Their Mission”, Long Range Planning 22, núm. 1, febrero de 1989, p. 91. 14. Jack Pearce y Richard Robinson, Strategic Management, 7a. ed., Nueva York, McGraw-Hill, 2000, p. 8. 15. Ann Langley, “The Roles of Formal Strategic Planning”, Long Range Planning 21, núm. 3, junio de 1988, p. 40. 16. Bernard Reimann, “Getting Value from Strategic Planning”, Planning Review 16, núm. 3, mayo-junio de 1988, p. 42. 17. G. L. Schwenk y K. Schrader, “Effects of Formal Strategic Planning in Financial Performance in Small Firms: A Meta-Analysis”, Entrepreneurship and Practice 3, núm. 17, 1993, pp. 53-64. También, C. C. Miller y L. B. Cardinal, “Strategic Planning and Firm Performance: A Synthesis of More than Two Decades of Research”, Academy of Management Journal 6, núm. 27, 1994, pp. 1649-1665; Michael Peel y John Bridge, “How Planning and Capital Budgeting Improve SME Performance”, Long Range Planning 31, núm. 6, octubre de 1998, pp. 848-856; Julia Smith, “Strategies for Start-Ups”, Long Range Planning 31, núm. 6, octubre de 1998, pp. 857-872. 18. Gordon Greenley, “Does Strategic Planning Improve Company Performance?”, Long Range Planning 19, núm. 2, abril de 1986, p. 106. 19. Adaptado de: 20. Adaptado de los sitios Web: limitations.html y purposes.html. 21. Dale McConkey, “Planning in a Changing Environment”, Business Horizons, septiembre-otubre de 1988, p. 66. 22. R. T. Lenz, “Managing the Evolution of the Strategic Planning Process”, Business Horizons 30, núm. 1, enero-febrero de 1987, p. 39 23. Joann Greco, “Privacy-Whose Right Is It Anyhow?”, Journal of Business Strategy, enero-febrero de 2001, p. 32. 24. Saul Gellerman, “Why ‘Good’ Managers Make Bad Ethical Choices”, Harvard Business Review 64, núm. 4, julio-agosto de 1986, p. 88. 25. Drucker, pp. 462, 463. 26. Gene Laczniak, Marvin Berkowitz, Russell Brooker y James Hale, “The Ethics of Business: Improving or Deteriorating?”, Business Horizons 38, núm. 1, enero-febrero de 1995, p. 43. 27. Frederick Gluck, “Taking the Mystique Out of Planning”, julio-agosto de 1985, p. 59. L E C T U R A S S O B R E T E M A S AC T UA L E S Adner, Ron y Daniel A. Levinthal, “What Is Not a Real Option: Considering Boundaries for the Application of Real Options to Business Strategy”, The Academy of Management Review 29, núm. 1, enero de 2004, p. 74.