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300 PARTE 3 • IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE LA ESTRATEGIA NOTAS 1. Dale McConkey, “Planning in a Changing Environment”, Business Horizons, septiembre-octubre de 1988, p. 66. 2. A. G. Bedeian y W. F. Glueck, Management, 3a. ed., Chicago, The Dryden Press, 1983, p. 212. 3. Boris Yavitz y William Newman, Strategy in Action: The Execution, Politics, and Payoff of Business Planning, Nueva York, The Free Press, 1982, p. 195. 4. Schein, E. H., “Three Cultures of Management: The Key to Organizational Learning”, Sloan Management Review 38, 1, 1996, pp. 9-20. 5. Ghoshal, S. y Bartlett, C.A., “Changing the Role of Management: Beyond Structure to Processes”, Harvard Business Review 73, 1 (1995): 88. 6. Steve Hamm y Marcia Stepanek, “From Reengineering to E-engineering”, BusinessWeek (22 de marzo de 1999): EB15. 7. “Want to Be a Manager? Many People Say No, Calling Job Miserable”, Wall Street Journal, 4 de abril de 1997, p. 1; también, Stephanie Armour, “Management Loses Its Allure”, USA Today, 10 de octubre de 1997, p. 1B. 8. Paul Carroll, “No More Business as Usual, Please. Time to Try Something Different”, Wall Street Journal, 23 de octubre de 2001, p. A24. 9. Julie Schmit, “Japan Shifts to Merit Pay”, USA Today, 23 de julio de 1999, p. 5B. 10. Richard Brown, “Outsider CEO: Inspiring Change with Force and Grace”, USA Today, 19 de julio de 1999, p. 3B. 11. Yavitz y Newman, p. 58. 12. Matthew Boyle, “KA-CHING! CEOs Grab Record Perks”, Fortune, 2 de mayo de 2005, p. 22. 13. Jack Duncan, Management, Nueva York, Random House, 1983, pp. 381-390. 14. H. Igor Ansoff, “Strategic Management of Technology”, Journal of Business Strategy 7, núm. 3, invierno de 1987, p. 38. 15. Robert Waterman, Jr., “How the Best Get Better”, Business Week, 14 de septiembre de 1987, p. 104. 16. Katherine Kranhold y Jeffrey Ball, “GE to Spend More on Projects Tied to Climate Change”, Wall Street Journal, 9 de mayo de 2005, p. A2. 17. Jack Duncan, “Organizational Culture: Getting a Fix on an Elusive Concept”, Academy of Management Executive 3, núm. 3, agosto de 1989, p. 229. 18. E. H. Schein, “The Role of the Founder in Creating Organizational Culture”, Organizational Dynamics, verano de 1983, pp. 13-28. 19. T. Deal y A. Kennedy, “Culture: A New Look Through Old Lenses”, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 19, núm. 4, 1983, pp. 498-504. 20. H. Ibsen, “The Wild Duck”, en O. G. Brochett y L. Brochett (eds.), Plays for the Theater, Nueva York, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1967; R. Pascale, “The Paradox of ‘Corporate Culture’: Reconciling Ourselves to Socialization”, California Management Review 28, núm. 2, 1985, pp. 26, 37-40. 21. T. Deal y A. Kennedy, Corporate Cultures: The Rites and Rituals of Corporate Life, Reading, MA, Addison-Wesley, 1982, p. 256. 22. Stratford Sherman, “How to Beat the Japanese”, Fortune, 10 de abril de 1989, p. 145. 23. Robert Stobaugh y Piero Telesio, “Match Manufacturing Policies and Product Strategy”, Harvard Business Review 61, núm. 2, marzo-abril de 1983, p. 113. 24. R. T. Lenz y Marjorie Lyles, “Managing Human Resource Problems in Strategy Planning Systems”, Journal of Business Strategy 60, núm. 4, primavera de 1986, p. 58. 25. J. Warren Henry, “ESOPs with Productivity Payoffs”, Journal of Business Strategy, julio-agosto de 1989, p. 33. 26. Sue Shellenbarger, “Employers Often Ignore Office Affairs, Leaving Co-workers in Difficult Spot”, Wall Street Journal, 10 de marzo de 2005, p. D1. 27. Ibid. 28. Ibid. 29. Julie Bennett, “Corporate Downsizing Doesn’t Deter Search for Diversity”, Wall Street Journal, 23 de octubre de 2001, p. B18. 30. Jon Swartz, “Retailers Offer Web Sites in Spanish”, USA Today, 29 de mayo de 2003, p. B1. L E C T U R A S S O B R E T E M A S AC T UA L E S Knowledge”, Strategic Management Journal 25, núms. 8-9, agosto-septiembre de 2004, p. 929. Argyres, N. S. y B. S. Silverman. “R&D, Organization Structure, and the Development of Corporate Technological