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76 PARTE 2 • FORMULACIÓN DE LA ESTRATEGIA Dowling, Grahame R. “Corporate Reputations: Should You Compete on Yours?”, California Management Review 46, núm. 3, primavera de 2004, p. 19. Gratton, Lynda. “Implementing a Strategic Vision—Key Factors for Success”, Long Range Planning 29, núm. 3, junio de 1996, pp. 290-303. Greenfield, W. M. “In the Name of Corporate Social Responsibility”, Business Horizons 47, núm. 1, enerofebrero de 2004, p. 19. Hollender, Jeffery. “What Matters Most: Corporate Values and Social Responsability”, California Management Review 46, núm. 4, verano de 2004, p. 111. Larwood, Laurie, Cecilia M. Falbe, Mark P. Kriger y Paul Miesing. “Structure and Meaning of Organizational Vision”, Academy of Management Journal 38, núm. 3, junio de 1995, pp. 740-769. Lissak, Michael y Johan Roos. “Be Coherent, Not Visionary”, Long Range Planning 34, núm. 1, febrero de 2001, p. 53. McTavish, Ron. “One More Time: What Business Are You In?” Long Range Planning 28, núm. 2, abril de 1995, pp. 49-60. Oswald, S. L., K. W. Mossholder y S. G. Harris. “Vision Salience and Strategic Involvement: Implications for Psychological Attachment to Organization and Job”, Strategic Management Journal 15, núm. 6, julio de 1994, pp. 477-490. Pearce II, J. A., J. P. Doh. “The High Impact of Collaborative Social Initiatives”, MIT Sloan Management Review 46, núm. 3, primavera de 2005, p. 30.