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Novena in the Incarnation St. James Parish Community

Incarnation St James Parish Community invites you to a Rosary & Novena to our Lady of Good Remedy. We would like to make this October, the month dedicated to the Holy Rosary, special at Incarnation-St. James Parish. We invite you to join us as we pray the Rosary and Recite the Novena Prayers to Our Lady of Good Remedy for nine consecutive days. The Novena will begin on Saturday, October 1st at 6:30 p.m. at Incarnation Church. We invite people during these Novena days to place their petitions in the boxes provided in Incarnation and St. James Church. These petitions will be placed at the front of the statue of the Blessed Mother during the 9 days of Novena and will be offered up in prayer during the Eucharistic Celebration on the last day of the Novena. Take nine days and dedicate yourself to praying for our needs and ask God to lead us peacefully onto His paths.

The theme of this year’s Novena is STRENGTH OF FAITH.

Novena to Our Lady of Good Remedy

For many centuries, Muslim fleets seized ships and invaded Catholic lands and took away men, women and children into slavery. The Christian population in many countries, especially in Italy, Spain and Portugal lived in constant fear of being carried off into Slavery. France, Britain, Holland, Ireland, and even Iceland suffered similar attacks as some of their people were captured and sold in the Islamic slave market of North Africa and the Middle East.

It was perilous in the extreme to live as slaves in Muslim society because of their grossly immoral customs. Women were in special danger because they were habitually sold into Muslim harems. But God did not leave His people unaided. He inspired several religious institutions to work towards the rescue of slaves from their Muslim slave masters.

One of these was the Trinitarian Order, which was founded by Saint John deMatha in 1198. This Order was founded to ransom captives from the Islamic slave markets and to set them free. However, only by raising large sums of money could the Trinitarians carry out their mission of buying back slaves. To be successful in raising such huge sums of money, they confided their fundraising efforts to the merciful protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary. And She did not let them down. If fact, the Mother of God was so generous in answering their pleas for funds, that they called Her “Our Lady of Good Remedy.” And so, the Trinitarians were able to free many slaves from the bondage of slavery and, above all, to free them from the moral evils of sin that were prevalent in the Muslim societies.

Today, we need Our Lady’s help more than ever in our personal lives, to resolve complicated personal situations

and to find solutions for troubles we face in our families. Above all, we need Our Lady of Remedy’s powerful intercession to help us turn back the rising tide of radical Islamic Terrorism that is destabilizing the world. Our country and the world desperately need Our Lady’s powerful and unfailing Help. Join us in prayer these nine days as we honor Mary our Mother under her title of Queen of the Most Holy Rosary.

Novena Schedule

Day 1 – Saturday, October 1st - 5:30 PM Eucharistic Celebration, 6:30 PM Rosary & Novena

Intention – For the Parish, Success for our mission; our growth in holiness and compassion; preservation of the gifts of unity, community and peace.

Day 2 – Sunday, October 2nd 5:30 PM-Eucharistic Celebration, 6:30 PM Rosary & Novena

Intention – For Families, Healing of marriages in crisis; support for single parents; for those preparing for marriage.

Day 3 – Monday, October 3rd– 6:30 PM Rosary & Novena

Intention – For those who live in mental darkness, the mentally ill; the depressed; those plagued by anger and disappointment.

Day 4 – Tuesday, October 4th– 6:30 PM Rosary & Novena

Intention – for children, especially the unborn, the abused and the neglected. For an end to abortion. For our youth, and those seeking their vocation

in life.

Day 5 – Wednesday, October 5th – 6:30 PM Rosary & Novena

Intention – For the sick, especially those with cancer, and the terminally ill.

Day 6 – Thursday, October 6th – 6:30 PM Rosary & Novena

Intention – Special remembrance of the departed.

Day 7 – Friday, October 7th – 6:30 PM Rosary & Novena

Intention – For the unemployed, and those discouraged about their employment.

Day 8 – Saturday, October 8th – 6:30 PM Rosary & Novena

Intention – For the imprisoned, especially those who have been sentenced unjustly; those awaiting execution, those who believe they are unforgivable.

Day 9 – Sunday, October 9th 5:30 PM Eucharistic Celebration, 6:30 PM Rosary & Novena

Intention – For those who do not believe, and those who have lost their faith.

For Details

Contact: Fr. Santhosh George OSST,

Associate Pastor, Incarnation St James Church, Ewing,

PH: 609-8822860, [email protected]