Comprehensive Guide to Moving for a New Job Comprehensive Guide to Moving for a New Job | Page 8

 Do you have the required skills and experience for jobs in your preferred location/industry?  Are there many vacancies in your chosen location/industry?  Choosing a location  Where will you live? Would you move to another town, another state or overseas?  How close is your home to your work?  How will you get to work?  Will you need a car or rely on public transport?  Do you have easy access to public transport, shops, schools, etc?     Impact on your family Will your partner be able to find work in the new location? How will you cope with being away from friends and family? Where will your children go to school/childcare? How will they get there?  Will you have a support network (i.e. friends/family)in your new location? How important is this to you?  Do you rely on family members for support or caring assistance?          Financial What are the costs of moving? For example, upfront costs, transport, housing costs, etc. Will your new employer cover some of the moving costs? What is your starting salary in your new job? What is the cost of living in your chosen location? Will you buy a house or rent? Will you sell your current house or rent it out? What is the cost of travelling back to visit family and friends? 4.0 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Relocate For a Job