Comprehensive Guide to Moving for a New Job Comprehensive Guide to Moving for a New Job | Page 7

Set aside some time for research and reflection before moving for a job. Going through the exercise of answering these questions will give you a foundation for deciding what’s best for you. If you do your homework, you’ll be making a move – or staying put – with confidence. 3.0 Know These Things before Relocating for a Job A major decision when considering your next career move is whether to limit your job search to your current location or consider moving for the right job? While expanding your job search beyond your current location may increase the number of jobs available, there are some important factors to consider to make sure this is the right decision for you.  Things to consider  Preparing for your next job  Will you find a job before you relocate or wait until you get there?  What if finding a job takes time? How will you live without an income in the new location?