Comprehensive Guide to Moving for a New Job Comprehensive Guide to Moving for a New Job | Page 18

 Will the new locality provide sufficient social, cultural and recreational opportunities? For those with dependents, consider the following (in addition to the above questions):      How will this move impact my spouse? How will it impact my children? Can we afford to live in a "good" neighborhood in the new location? Are there "good" public schools in the new location? If those local public schools are not so good, can we afford private alternatives? 8.0 Final Words There’s a lot involved in job relocation, yes—and not least of all because you want to nail it at your first week on the job without thinking of whether or not you bought kitty litter. The many moving parts mean you should try to be as organized as humanly possible from the beginning. If possible, give yourself at least a couple of days (longer if you're moving a great distance or to a really big city from a tiny town) in your new surroundings before the job starts. But if that’s not an option, know that if you follow the above steps, you’ll be able to hit the ground running. Chances are, you’re not the first one at your new company to have relocated for work, and generally, people who have been there, done that are more than happy to share words of wisdom and advice. And that right there is your foolproof conversation starter at the water cooler. References Relocating for work | Australian Government, Retrieved May 08, 2019 from, By Skye Schooley | Relocating for Work: Challenges and Upsides | Business News Daily, Retrieved May 08, 2019 from, upsides.html