Compete to Succeed Manufacturing Vision for Michigan 2023-2024 | Page 20

Manufacturing Vision for Michigan 2023-2024

Food & Beverage Policy

Support the food and beverage sector which is critical to economic growth
Like other sectors of our economy , the food and beverage industry builds on our state ’ s robust natural resources ( such as our agricultural resources ) to transform raw materials into new products that help feed the nation and drive Michigan ’ s economy . The food industry faces unique challenges that require support to ensure a strong business climate to keep these manufacturers competitive in the marketplace .
Unique regulatory challenges require unique solutions . Food manufacturers face unique barriers to competitiveness such as targeted local taxes and additional labeling requirements . Michigan can grow its food and beverage sector and retain its status as a prime location for future growth and investment by removing barriers and remaining a welcoming environment for breweries , wineries , distilleries and breakfast food and snack manufacturing .
Michigan ’ s food , beverage and tobacco products make up the state ’ s fifth largest manufacturing sector totaling $ 58,285,000 annually .
Source : nam . org / state-manufacturing-data / 2021-michigan-manufacturing-facts
Michigan Manufacturers Say
As Michigan food

“ manufacturers work to feed our state , nation and world , a competitive regulatory environment is imperative to thrive . Our sector must be on an even regulatory playing field to remain competitive in the marketplace .

— Ben Zorn , Chairman of the MMA Food Manufacturers Committee and Vice President of Operations , Koeze Company , Grand Rapids
For more information , contact :
Caroline Liethen
MMA Director of Environmental and Regulatory Policy liethen @ mimfg . org 517-487-8543 mimfg . org