Simmer for about 7 minutes. Puree miso in a little soup stock and add to soup, simmer
for a few minutes. Do NOT boil the miso as the live enzymes will get destroyed! Serve
garnished with spring onions.
Miso paste itself can be used blended with things like beans to make a paste, added to
other vegetable soups as a stock or used as a dressing on vegetables or salad. Another
food popular in The East is tempeh. This is again made from fermented soybeans but is
much less processed than the commonly known tempeh. It is very meaty in texture but
can be quite an acquired taste.
block of tempeh
2 tbsp soy sauce or tamari (wheat-free version)
1 tsp brown rice vinegar
1 tsp honey/brown rice syrup/agave
Cut tempeh into triangles or cubes. Mix all other
ingredients in a bowl. Add tempeh and marinate for
10-20 minutes, turning pieces over to ensure they’re
covered. Lightly steam tempeh for another 20 minutes.
A few of our readers and followers share their favorite flare free recipes. Easy to make, delicious
to eat, easy on the tummy.
1 cup diced sweet onion
4 garlic cloves minced
4 serrano chiles minced (with seeds for spicy)
juice of 2 limes
5 ripe avocadoes
coarse salt
Put the onion, garlic, chiles, lime juice and avocadoes in a bowl.
Use a large serving fork and mix up the ingredients, then press the fork around the sides
of the bowl, mashing the avocado. This will make a chunky guacamole.