Community Springs Healthcare Facility's The Grapevine January 2015 | Page 2

Activity Notes Look who’s having a Birthday! What is your 2015 New Year Resolution? Lela Thaxton Zella Sawyer Fern Ogle Jessie Kelley Dale Ray January 7 January 8 January 14 January 15 January 18 Jessie “Start Staying awake more.” Missie “To be more positive.” Admissions Elmer Hopkins Shirley Parker Discharge Bill Brooks Lois “Find me a good man.” Evelyn “Be able to go back home.” Sympathy Community Springs Healthcare Facility would like to extend our deepest sympathy to the family and friends of: Wanda “Work toward better health and getting out of this wheal chair and walking again.” Ruby “To find my children a better house.” Dale “Start acting my age.” Shirley March Jewel “Start behaving better.” Pam “Weight Loss.” Dewey “Continue enjoying life.” From the Desk of Mr. Vickers, Facility Administrator, and Jason Hardman, Maintenance Supervisor For the safety of the residents, staff, families and visitors, devices with a motor cannot be plugged into surge suppressors/ power strips. Examples of such items are electric recliners, electric beds, oxygen concentrators, fans, etc. If there are any questions or concerns about surge suppressors/ power strips in the facility, please ask staff for assistance. Robin “To have this baby and loose the extra weight.” Lela “For everyone to be happy and healthy.” Happy New Year