Practicing Partnerships and WIOA
Impact of WIOA : History , Intention , Impact on Internal Systems
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act ( WIOA ), signed into law on July 22 , 2014 , is the first legislation reform of the federal public workforce system in fifteen years . It supersedes the Workforce Investment Act ( WIA ) of 1998 and amends Adult Education and Family Literacy Act , the Wagner-Peyser Act , and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 . Beginning July 1 , 2015 , the transition began into the full implementation of WIOA .
Nationally , WIOA presents the opportunity to improve job and career options for our nation ’ s jobseekers and workers by supporting an integrated system to link diverse talent ( people ) to businesses ( jobs / career paths ). It supports a high quality , one-stop center system aligning investments in workforce , education , and economic development . It reinforces the partnerships that are essential to provide job seekers and workers with high-quality education , training , and supportive career services . Businesses are also able to find skilled workers and access support , such as education and training for their current employees .
WIOA establishes structures for core programs to more effectively work together . The U . S . Department of Labor ( DOL ) has issued guidance on the timeframes for implementation of changes in WIOA . Each state has been charged with submitting a State Unified Plan and Common Performance Accountability provision . WIOA has empowered State and Local elected officials and private sector-led workforce boards with the responsibility of developing strategic , integrated plans that support economic growth and labor force needs
intended to grow the capacity and performance of the workforce system .
What does this mean for adult basic education and Metro North ABE ?
WIOA requires that ABE programs have representation on local Workforce Development Boards and actively participate in local strategic planning . ABE , as a core program , is charged with supporting specific activities on the local boards including participation
WIOA Partners Review
Adult Basic Education is one of six core programs in WIOA . Other core programs include the Adult Dislocated Worker Program , Youth Programs , Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Services , and Rehabilitation programs . Additional programs authorized by WIOA include Job Corps program , the Youth- Build program , Native American programs , and Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker programs .
Metro North ABE has a history of collaboration and partnership with many of these and other local programs and resources . Because WIOA places greater emphasis on one-stops achieving results for jobseekers , workers , and partnerships , WIOA will support our continued work together .
WIOA will continue to support the practice of career pathway development . Specific career pathway development is promoted by the workforce center based on local needs and economics . ABE can continue to support this development by offering contextualized , career-specific instruction to individuals entering ( bridging ) into postsecondary training , and assisting those same students after the transition into postsecondary to ensure success ( integration ). ABE ’ s work in this area