ABE 101
Approved Adult Education & Literacy Activities under WIOA
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act defines what programs , activities , and services can be offered through Title II ( Adult Basic Education programs ) funding including the following :
• Adult education
• Literacy
• Workplace adult education and literacy activities
• Family literacy activities
• English language acquisition activities
• Integrated English literacy and civics education ( IEL / Civics ) Current IEL / Civics grants have provided this type of programming . It includes education services provided to English language adult learners , including professionals with degrees and credentials in their native countries , that enables such adults to achieve competency in the English language and acquire basic and more advanced skills needed to function effectively as parents , workers , and citizens in the United States . Such services include instruction in literacy and English language acquisition and instruction on the rights and responsibilities of citizenship and civic participation , and may include workforce training .
• Workforce preparation activities ACES / TIF addresses this component of programming , including competencies in utilizing resources , using information , working with others , understanding systems , and successful transition into and completion of postsecondary education or training , or employment .
• Integrated education and training ( IET ) This service approach provides adult education and literacy activities concurrently and contextually with workforce preparation activities and workforce training for a specific occupation or occupational cluster for the purpose of educational and career advancement .
Federal Adult Education Provider Application Workshop , MN Department of Education , December 8 , 2016
Standards Implementation Under WIOA
In compliance with WIOA , Metro North ABE has provided professional development to increase understanding of each strand of the ABE standards : the Academic , Career and Employability Skills ( ACES ) and Transitions Integration Framework ( TIF ); the College and Career Readiness standards ; and the Northstar Digital Literacy standards .
The digital literacy standards were first developed in Minnesota in 2010 . While the initial focus was on proctoring assessments of learners ’ digital literacy skills , programs continue to strengthen their integration of digital literacy skill instruction across levels in ESL and ABE classes .
After the launch of ACES / TIF in 2013 , Metro North ABE required all classroom instructors to participate in a two year , six study circle sessions , to learn how to integrate these skills across all levels of programming .
Minnesota adopted the third strand , the CCRS for English Language Arts and Math , in 2014 . During this time programs were implementing the new 2014 GED ® exam and planning for the new state competency based diploma ; both aligned with Core State Standards . Staff from the Blaine , Elk River , St . Francis , and Anoka Technical College sites participated in ( or led ) cohort trainings on CCRS for implementation in state diploma programs . Several staff continue to serve as leaders ; training others throughout the state .
While state diploma programs have been actively implementing the CCR standards , the level of implementation for other class levels varies . Consortium staff have participated in CCRS 101 workshops , Foundations of English Language Arts Standards , and Foundations of Math Standards through state offerings during ABE Summer Institute , regional trainings and the state Language and Literacy Conference . Metro North ABE also has offered individual sessions on the key instructional shifts reflected in the standards during in-house staff development events .
This year the state offered its first round of cohort training open to all levels of instruction . Metro North ABE has a team of five ESL staff currently participating from the Adult Education Center- Columbia Heights / Fridley site . The standards implementation efforts will continue over the next few years as Metro North ABE aligns course offerings with the content standards to assist adult learners on their pathways to success .
Metro North Adult Basic Education | Ph : 763-783-4870 | www . MetroNorthABE . org FEBRUARY 2017 3