Community Education program brochures Metro North ABE - Consortium newsletter, Feb. 2016 | Page 7

Data with Linda The U.S. Department of Labor, along with U.S. Department of Education and Health and Human Services, are working to ensure that states, local areas, and other grantees are pre-pared for the implementation of WIOA. The changes in adult education in MN and WIOA require that new data be collected and new performance standards be implemented for clients. Some of the measures required by WIOA include: 1) Student participants achieve at least one educational function level in an educational program that provides instruction below the postsecondary level (Adult Basic Ed). • In 2015, 1,493 (35%) of Metro North ABE clients achieved an EFL or educational function level change while attending ABE class. 2) Attainment of a high school diploma, or its equivalent. • In 2015, 50 Metro North ABE clients earned their GED® credential and 37 clients earned their HS credential while attending classes. Additional measures added as a result of WIOA include: 3) Transcript or report card for secondary or post-secondary education. 4) Satisfactory, or better, progress report towards established milestones from employer/training provider who is providing training. 5) Successful completion of an occupational exam. 6) Credential attainment: recognized post-secondary credential. Under WIOA, any employment barriers will need to be determined at the point of entry into any Work Force One Title program, including Adult Basic Education. Data on employment status for our clients has been collected since 2000. • In 2015, 1,071 Metro North ABE clients indicated they were employed, and 903 clients indicated they were unemployed at the time of entry into our program. Prudential Volunteer Project and Donation On November 17, 2015, Prudential Financial located in Plymouth, MN, in partnership with Hands On Twin Cities, hosted a volunteer and donation event to benefit Metro North ABE learners. Twenty volunteers assembled and donated 150 job search kits for MNABE students. Each kit included a briefcase-style binder, which held these items: a notebook, a folder, job interviewing tip sheets, a stack of thank you cards, a pencil bag, a highlighter, note pads, and breath mints. Most special of all, each volunteer wrote a note of encouragement to include in the kit. Thank you Prudential Financial for this unique and meaningful donation to our program! Volunteers for Project SHINE Metro North ABE’s essential volunteers come to us through many channels. One of those is through the Project SHINE program hosted at Metropolitan State University. “Project SHINE (Students Helping in the Naturalization of Elders) is a community service-learning program that links college students with immigrants and refugees seeking to learn English and navigate the complex path to U.S. citizenship.” ( In Minnesota, approximately 150 students from Metropolitan State University and MCTC participate in Project SHINE. Participants are trained in basic ESL tutoring techniques, working with adult learners, intercultural communication, immigration, and the U.S. naturalization process. Volunteers are required to complete a minimum 20 tutoring hours at one of 20 Twin Cities community partner organizations, including Metro North ABE. Metro North Adult Basic Education | Ph: 763-783-4870 | FEBRUARY 2016 7