Community Education program brochures Metro North ABE - Consortium newsletter, Feb. 2016 | Page 6
Student Stories
Three ABE students share their personal goals
Earning an adult diploma or a GED
can make such a difference in a person’s life; it can open doors in many
different ways. ABE student Dan Carpenter plans to finish his adult diploma
by spring 2016. After he graduates, he
hopes to move into a position at his
current employment that he considers
a career, rather than just a job. He also
plans to attend trade school, and by
doing so, will hopefully land in an occupation where he will both earn a
good living and be fulfilled.
In addition to building his capacity to
earn these life-changing opportunities,
Dan has greatly developed his understanding of the world around him. For
example, after studying a class called
Politics and Law, he states that he has
a much better understanding of how
our system of government is set-up,
especially pertaining to city, county,
state, and federal government.
Inese Alsina
Adult Learning Center, Forest Lake
Late last fall, our Forest Lake site
began offering a technology lab class
once a week. Since it started, this class
has encouraged learners to integrate
and improve their technology skills
while keeping focused on their academic goals. One learner taking full
advantage of this class is Inese Alsina.
Inese, a Latvian immigrant, moved to
the United States in early 2014. She
found Forest Lake ABE and enrolled
with goals of improving her English
skills while preparing to enter the
workforce. Since she has been at the
Forest Lake site, Inese has significantly improved her reading and writing skills, and recently she began
volunteering at a local hospital to help
build her resume. Inese decided she
would focus on earning her North Star
Digital Literacy Certificate, to improve her computer skills. This would
be another important skill to add to her
growing “American” resume.
Inese has id entified a three-pronged
technology goal: 1) earn her North
Star certificate; 2) increase her typing
speed and accuracy; and 3) create an
electronic English resume. Since starting to work with her technology lab
instructor, Inese has completed four of
the eight modules of the North Star
certification. With every step, Inese is
closer to her dream job.
I need a GED.
I need more speak
with my children...Next,
I need —my dream—
going to the university,
Dan Carpenter
Lifelong Learning Center, St. Francis
Angelita Castelan
Adult Education Center, Columbia
“I need a GED. I need more speak
with my children. My children speak
more English. Next, I need –my
dream– going to the university, college,” expresses Angelita Castelan, a
current English language learner at the
Adult Education Center at Columbia
Heights/Fridley (CHF). Angelita has a
dream to become a social worker and
help others: “In my mind, is helping
another person. Because when I was a
child I was very poor.” Angelita
spends her days working and studying
to improve her English, step-by-step.
As nervous as she often feels to speak
English with others, she knows it’s im-
portant to keep practicing.
Angelita began her studies at the Adult
Education Center at CHF in 2014. She
currently attends the English for Academic Purposes class five days a
week, working the mornings before
school cleaning apartment buildings.
During her fifteen years in Minnesota,
she has cleaned stores, offices, restaurants, and beauty salons. Cleaning
buildings helps to support her family,
but she would like a better job.
Raised by her grandmother, Angelita
often did not have food, clothes, or
even lights for the home. She recalls
not having shoes and pulling her dress
down to cover her bare feet to avoid
the ridicule from other children. Now,
in Minnesota, Angelita works, attends
school, and volunteers weekly at a
local food shelf as she follows her
path to getting her GED fulfilling her
dream of a better life for herself and
her family.