Attendance guidelines
Eligible children must live in or attend daycare within the attendance areas of participating schools . Children must be four years of age on September 1 , 2017 . All children must be toilet trained to attend Kindergarten Readiness Preschool PLUS .
2017-18 Kindergarten Readiness Preschool PLUS classes
Reserve a spot now . Students will be placed in time slots based on school district bus routes and families will be notified of preschool scheduling before August 2017 .
ADAMS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 8989 Sycamore St . NW , Coon Rapids ( For students in the Adams Elementary School attendance area only .)
Two classes are available at Adams Elementary School .
• One class from 9:10 - 11:55 a . m .
• One class from 1:15 - 4 p . m .
EVERGREEN PARK WORLD CULTURES COMMUNITY SCHOOL 7020 Dupont Ave . N ., Brooklyn Center ( For students in the Evergreen and Monroe Elementary School attendance areas only .)
Four classes are available at Evergreen World Cultures Community School .
• Two classes from 9:15 a . m . - noon
• Two classes from 1:15 - 4 p . m .
Registration information
New online registration - www . ahschools . us / preschool The online registration system allows you to :
• Browse and register for courses on a smartphone or tablet .
• View upcoming enrollment details .
• Receive class reminder emails .
This was our first child and starting preschool was a big deal . As parents , we went through a variety of emotions but immediately came to ease on our first day in the classroom . I am confident that my
daughter will excel in kindergarten .
Eligible registrations received after the lottery will be placed on a space available basis .
Important dates View class schedule online . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monday , January 23 Lottery registration begins online . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monday , January 30 Preschool Information Night . . . . . . . Thursday , February 9 - 6:30-8 p . m . Registration lottery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tuesday , March 7
2 Anoka-Hennepin Kindergarten Readiness PLUS 763-433-4650