It is important to notify Adventures Plus if your child will be absent from the after-school session . Failure to notify the program results in a missing child search process that pulls staff away from caring for the other students . A $ 10 Finder ’ s Fee will be assessed to your account if an after-school absence is not communicated with Adventures Plus site staff at least 30 min . prior to school dismissal . Failure to notify staff of your child ’ s absence from Adventures Plus on a reoccurring basis may result in termination of the contract .
If children attend the program with any of the following symptoms , the parent / guardian will be contacted immediately to pick-up the child :
• A temperature registering 100 degrees or above . Temperature must be normal ( 98.6 ° F ) for 24 hours before returning .
• Fever , vomiting , diarrhea , any undiagnosed rash , discharge from eye , ears or profuse nasal discharge , severe cold symptoms .
Exposure to communicable diseases ( such as scabies , whooping cough , severe sore throat , measles , pink eye , ringworm , fifth disease , mumps , chicken pox , impetigo , diphtheria , scarlet fever , strep throat ) should be reported to staff . If your child is contagious , he / she may not attend Adventures Plus until 24 hours after medication begins or released by physician . If parent / guardian is unable to pick-up the sick child within one hour of being contacted , they are expected to contact an authorized person to pick up the child . In cases where the parent / guardian is unable to be reached , the person listed on the emergency form will be contacted . When isolation of a child due to communicable illness is necessary , the child will rest in a space away from other children until parent / guardian arrives for pick-up . Outdoor play is an important activity which students participate in daily . Children attending should be healthy enough to engage in all activities . Adventures Plus staff are not trained to make a medical diagnosis , but only to observe and inform parent / guardian of any signs of illness . If staff observe signs of illness , the parent / guardian will be contacted , and will need to pick-up their child .
Adventures Plus must have access to records detailing the child ’ s current immunizations or applicable exemption prior to the first day of attendance . Any students without immunizations on file with the district must submit immunization information to the Adventures Plus central billing office prior to the first day of attendance .
Upon yearly registration , a parent / guardian must complete the allergy information in the registration system , which includes a description of the allergy , avoidance techniques , description of the reaction , how to respond to the allergic reaction , and medication information .
Adventures Plus can administer only prescription medication that is in the original prescription bottle with the child ’ s name . Pills must be cut and counted at home . An authorized form ( available online and at the site ) must be completed annually and signed by a parent / guardian and physician in order for the Adventures Plus staff to administer the medication . Please send a correct measurement utensil for liquid medication . Over-the-counter medication may require a doctor ’ s note showing dosage and timeline . The first dose of a new prescription must be administered at home in case of an adverse reaction . Children may not transport or store medication in or with their belongings .
Medications will not be given after the expiration date and will be returned to the child ’ s parent / guardian or destroyed if unused . Parent / guardian will be responsible for transporting the child ’ s medications to the non-school day location and will have to sign-off when medications are dropped off or picked-up .