Community Education - current class catalogs Youth activities and classes - Winter/Spring 2020 | Page 10

EXPLORE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CRAZY CATAPULTS Did you know that catapults were created hundreds of years ago? You’ll be making your own crazy catapult with ordinary household supplies, then testing it by launching marshmallows and ping pong balls! Date/Day Location Jan 22 W Hoover Jan 23 Th Mississippi Jan 24 F Morris Bye Jan 31 F Jefferson Who Grades K-5 Grades K-5 Grades K-5 Grades K-5 Wks 1 1 1 1 Time 4:10-5:10 pm 4-5 pm 4:10-5:10 pm 3:30-4:30 pm Number CS119-3M1-W CS110-3M1-W CS107-3M1-W CS112-3M1-W Fee $12 ($6) $12 ($6) $12 ($6) $12 ($6) JR. SCIENTIST: ALL ABOUT ANIMALS Cultivate your child’s love of animals while they learn the concepts of animal life cycles, animal characteristics, and traits by using interactive learning tools. We make animal science fun! Date/Day Location May 5 T Oxbow Creek Who Grades K-5 Wks Time Number 4 5:15-6 pm CS126-1M1-S Fee $49 ($25) LET’S BUILD A CITY Students will explore the world of transportation, as well as parts of a city and how they all fit together. Students will build models of their favorite forms of transportation as they learn about energy, wheels, axles and air resistance. Then, we’ll pull it all together to create a huge city built from LEGOS® and minifigures. Date/Day Location Feb 8 Sa CBPA KIDS FOR SAVING EARTH The mission of Kids for Saving Earth (KSE) is to provide school leadership and to take action in solving environmental issues. These could be issues involving our school, our community or our state. KSE is open to boys and girls in the fourth and fifth- grade that are interested in making an environmental difference in their communities. We will also be designing our own t-shirt. Date/Day Jan 8 W Wks Time 5 4-5 pm 9 Location CBPA Who Grades 4-5 Number Fee CS133-3S1-W $25 ($15) Who Grades 1-5 Wks Time 1 2-4 pm Number Fee CS133-3M1-W05 $20 ($10) ROBO-PETS Students will begin to explore the world of robotics as they build simple animal models that teach the fundamentals of robotic design and coding. Whether learning about sensors while building an alligator, or discovering ways that gears, wheels and axles create movement while building robotic frogs your child is sure to have a great time! Date/Day Location Jan 25 Sa CBPA Who Grades 1-5 Wks Time 1 2-4 pm Number Fee CS133-3M1-W03 $20 ($10) SCIENCE OF SUPERPOWERS The world of comic books is full of heroes, villains, challenges and triumphs, and the heroes need help! Ready to see just what it takes to be super? Dive in by dissecting superhero skill sets to uncover the science behind super-powers with exercises in biology, engineering and technology. Students will fly alongside Superman, sling webs with Spiderman and recognize the real-life heroes of our world. Date/Day Location Apr 7 T Dayton May 5 T Oxbow Creek Who Grades K-5 Grades K-5 Wks Time 4 4-5 pm 4 4-5 pm Number CS125-3M1-S CS126-3M1-S Fee $49 ($25) $49 ($25) Register at