Community Education - current class catalogs Youth activities and classes - Fall 2017 | Page 9

SCHOOL’S OUT! BABYSITTING: AMERICAN RED CROSS CERTIFIED Parents are looking for certified babysitters! Get going with this American Red Cross class that prepares you for a wide variety of babysitting situations. Learn about the basic care of young children including safety and responsibility, age-appropriate activities and first aid. Must be at least 11 years of age. Must complete the entire class to receive certification. Bring a lunch and beverage. Who Grades 6-8 Date/Day Oct 18 W Location OVMS Wks 1 Time 9 am-2 pm Number CS207-4H2-F Fee $69 EXTREME RC ROBOTICS Build vehicles and robots containing a LEGO® Robotics Mindstorm Microcomputer. Work with Mindstorm LEGO® pieces such as fiber-optic cables, caterpillar treads, and gear trains. Play robotic tag and disable enemy bots. Have fun and learn about transmitters, receivers and microcomputers. Presented by Computer Explorers. Who Grades 3-8 Date/Day Oct 18 W Location OVMS Wks 1 Time 9 am-3 pm Number CS207-4M1-F Fee $89 MOSAIC ART FRAME WITH CANVAS PANEL Add color to your life with mosaic art. Use paper, nature, buttons, ceramics, sea glass and more. Create a unique mosaic to decorate your wall. Presented by Rum River Art. Who Grades 4-8 Date/Day Oct 18 W Location OVMS Wks 1 Time 9:30 am-Noon Number CS207-4A6-F Fee $29 FROM FRIGHTFUL TO DELIGHTFUL: OPEN SWIM The weather outside is frightful, but the pool is so delightful! Warm up and have fun during this special “School’s Out!” open swim event at Roosevelt Community Pool. An exciting afternoon of swimming, splashing and smiles awaits. Drop-in – no registration required. Who Youth Adults Date/Day Jan 15 M Jan 15 M Location RMS RMS Wks 1 1 Time 1-4 pm 1-4 pm Fee $3.25 $3.50 URBAN AIR TRAMPOLINE AND ADVENTURE PARK Join your friends on this fun field trip to the new Urban Air Trampoline and Adventure Park in Coon Rapids. Experience a wide-range of challenging activities including Trampoline Dodgeball, Warrior obstacle course, Battle Beam challenge, climbing wall, ropes course, Sky Rider indoor roller coast, slam dunk zone, and more. OPEN GYM: BASKETBALL AND VOLLEYBALL: TEEN/ADULT Whether you’re into shooting hoops or playing volleyball, meet your friends and work on skills or simply hang out. Adults may attend if accompanied by a middle school or high school student. No pre- registration necessary. Pay at the door. Who Grades 6-9 Date/Day Sep 24 Su Wks 6 Number Fee CS207-4R3-F $3/person or $5/parent/child Time 1-3 pm Location OVMS BASKETBALL AND VOLLEYBALL Whether you’re into shooting hoops or playing volleyball, meet your friends for open gym. Pre-registration required. Who Grades 6-9 Wks 1 Date/Day Oct 18 W Time 1-3:30 pm Number CS202-4R1-F Location CRMS Fee $5 Watch for a flyer at school or visit Anoka-Hennepin Community Education 8