Community Education - current class catalogs Families - Winter/Spring 2020 | Page 31

CS PRESCHOOL ENRICHMENT PARENT/CHILD COMMUNITY SCHOOLS Music Together Free Demonstration Class Free demonstration classes are for parents and caregivers who are seriously considering registering for the Music Together classes but would like the opportunity to try a class with their child or children before making their final decision. Only one demonstration class per family. Date/Day Age Location Dec 9 M 0-5 Dec 10 T 0-5 Sandburg 1 Sandburg 1 Wks Time 10-10:45 am 10-10:45 am Number Fee CS206-2A1-W01 Free CS206-2A1-W04 Free Music Together Sing, dance, play, learn! Award-winning music and movement classes for infants, toddlers, preschoolers - and the grown-ups who love them. Experience delightful ways to interact musically with your child, all designed to support his or her overall development. The rich music environment in class, full of opportunities for experimentation and play, will help your child grow into a confident, lifelong music-maker while supporting their cognitive, social, emotional, physical and verbal development. Classes are 45 minutes of pure fun each week and are mixed-age so siblings can attend together. Receive a CD, a code to download the music, an illustrated songbook, and parent education materials. Infants under eight months attend free with a paid sibling. All infants are welcome. If an infant attends as the only child in a family, full tuition is required. Register your child only, please. Date/Day Age Location Wks Time Number JR. SHREK SWAMP PARTY Saturday, February 29 from 1 - 3 p.m. Tickets are $10 per child, accompanying adults are free. Anoka Children’s Theatre is celebrating its 30th anniversary - and Shrek and his friends are throwing a party! Our favorite ogre is inviting you to a fun afternoon in the swamp including games, crafts and snacks. The Anoka Children’s Theatre cast will be in costume with photo opportunities and a preview of their upcoming performances - Mar. 26-29. A coloring contest will be held, with two free tickets to, “Shrek the Musical, Jr.,” awarded to the winner! Feel free to dress as your favorite Shrek character or in your favorite swamp gear. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Fee Jan 6 M 0-5 Sandburg 9 Jan 7 T Jan 6 M 0-5 0-5 Sandburg Sandburg 10 10-10:45 am CS206-2A1-W05 $189 9 10:30-11:15 pm CS206-2A1-W03 $175 9:30-10:15 am CS206-2A1-W02 $175 31