Community Education - current class catalogs Families - Winter/Spring 2020 | Page 30
Junior Gym Games Magical Princess Party
Join us to play organized gym games that are
specifically designed for parents and preschoolers.
We’ll play soccer, tag, follow the leader and more!
Bring your gym shoes and tons of energy. Dress your little princess up and join us for a Magical
Princess Party! Select the stations that you most want
to visit (nail-painting, wand-making, and reading). Don’t
forget your camera – there will be plenty of photo
opportunities. Refreshments will be served.
Date/Day Age Location Wks Time Number Fee
Jan 23 Th 3-6 Hamilton 3 CS113-2R1-W $15
6-6:45 pm
Krafty Kids
Celebrate spring and join us as we complete weekly
craft projects using paint, glue, sparkles, feathers and
more fun materials. Dress for a mess!
Date/Day Age Location
Apr 9 Th 2-5 Mississippi 2
Wks Time
6-7 pm
Number Fee
CS-110-2A2-S $25
Date/Day Age Location Wks Time
Feb 24 M 2-6 Franklin 1
6:30-7:30 pm CS101-2A3-W $19
Melted Crayon Art
From jungle green to cornflower blue, crayons aren’t
just for coloring anymore! Work together to create a
beautiful piece of art by melting a variety of crayons
onto an artist canvas. Hang your colorful masterpiece in
your home for all to enjoy.
Date/Day Age Location
Mar 26 Th 3-6 Mississippi 1
Wks Time
6-7 pm
Number Fee
CS-110-2A3-S $15
Messy Art
We’ll supply all the messy materials your child will love
- and you won’t have a mess at home! Finger-paint,
glue, paste, play dough, stickers, markers and glitter
will all be part of the fun. Explore and enjoy different art
materials each week. Wear an apron or paint shirt.
Date/Day Age Location Wks Time Number Fee
Jan 15 W 2-6
Jan 6 M 2-6 Johnsville
Ramsey 3
2 CS106-2A1-W
CS124-2A1-W $19
6-6:45 pm
5:30-6:30 pm
Anoka-Hennepin Community Education I 763-506-1286