Community Education - current class catalogs Adult classes and activities - Winter 2017 | Page 9
You’ve Been Appointed Executor or Trustee,
Now What?
Before helping an elderly loved one with financial or legal affairs,
it is crucial to understand your responsibilities so that you are
able to protect your loved one and yourself. An experienced
estate and elder law attorney will share the information you need
to know so you understand the parameters of the law and are
able to successfully serve as a personal representative, trustee
or attorney-in-fact. Hear what it means to be a fiduciary, how to
sign legal documents in ways that will protect you from liability
and how to deal with family members and institutions. Class fee:
$19 one; $25 two.
w Feb 6 | 6:30-8:30 pm | 1 Sesssion
M | Oak View MS | AL077-2C11-W1 | Peterson
You’ve Written a Book! Now What?
A revolution is taking place in the book-publishing industry and
the traditional gatekeepers are no longer in control. Authors are
now able to produce a finished, professional-quality print book
for fewer out-of-pocket expenses, and take advantage of new
ways to promote and sell their books to a worldwide audience.
Learn about every stage of the self-publishing process: creation,
publication, promoting/marketing and sales — using timehonored, traditional, and cutting-edge strategies. Class fee: $35.
w Feb 7 | 6:30-8:30 pm | 1 Sesssion
T | Champlin Park HS | AL077-2F05-W1 | Smith
Online classes – anytime,
anywhere – on your schedule!
Choose from these topics and many more in the
areas of technology, business, accounting and
personal development.
• Effective Business Writing
• Introduction to Programming
• Mac, iPhone and iPad Programming
• Nonprofit Fundraising Essentials
• Responsive Web Design
• Where Does All My Money Go?
Courses are informative, fun, convenient and
highly interactive. Visit our Online Instruction
Center today to view all the available courses. | 763-506-5766 | 2017 WINTER