Community Education - current class catalogs Adult activities and classes - Spring/Summer 2016 | Page 25
Trail Ride at Bunker Park Stables
No experience is necessary to enjoy the natural beauty of Bunker
Hills Regional Park from horseback. Bunker Park Stables staff will
assist you in mounting, dismounting and will provide brief riding
and safety instructions prior to departure. Your guide is extensively
trained and experienced. Helmets are required for trail riders
under 18. Riding helmets are available at no cost for all trail riders.
Camera and cell phone use are not permitted on the trail ride.
Ride rain or shine, so dress for the weather. For ages eight and up
and 52” or taller in height. Class held at Bunker Park Stables in
Andover. Class fee: $29 per person.
w M
ay 20 | 6:30-8 pm | 1 Session
F | Off Site | CS203-6R2
NEW | Autism 101
Interested in learning more about autism? Develop an
understanding of the basics of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD),
resource options, and positive behavior supports. Learn how
families, schools, and the medical community can work together to
educate and support those with ASD. Get practical tips on helping
individuals with ASD meet their potential. Presented by the Autism
Society of Minnesota. Class fee: $29 one; $35 two.
w A
pr 14 | 6-8 pm | 1 Session
Th | Staff Dev Ctr | AL077-2C32-S1
NEW | Overcoming Fear for Parents & Kids
Every day seems to feed into our fear that we are not safe to go
shopping, to send our children to school, or to see a movie with
our family. Learn how to manage your fear with practical tools that
limit your anxiety and increase your ability to bring peace into your
life and the lives of those around you. Class fee: $35.
w M
ay 10 | 6:30-8:30 pm | 1 Session
T | Northdale MS | AL077-2C28-S1 | Jerabek
NEW | Parents, Teens & Money Matters
Parents and teens compete in a game that helps teens understand
decisions with their money. Participants learn the value of making
intentional choices with “share, save and spend.” For adults and
children ages 11-14. Class fee: $19 one; $25 family of four.
w A
pr 12 | 6:30-7:30 pm | 1 Session
T | Staff Dev Ctr | AL077-2C13-CR | Schwartz
try this…
oving Outside Your
Comfort Zone - Top 20 Seminar
Join us for this evening session...but only if you or one of
your children have made a mistake recently! Learn how
the messages children receive from others you will also
understand when they make a mistake help form their self
beliefs, what keeps kids stuck in their comfort zone, and
more effective ways of responding to our own mistakes and
the mistakes of our children. This could be a game-changer
for you and your family. Top 20 Training empowers youth
and adults to make a positive difference in the quality of
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