general interest / hobbies
Book Club
Book clubs provide a great opportunity to meet new people and share your love for the literary arts . Please check online for the book you should read for the first meeting . Club members share in leading the discussion . See website for class meeting dates .
◗ Sep 14-May 9 | Th | 9:30-11 am 9 Sessions | Fee : $ 25 | Sandburg Edu Ctr AL077-2C80-F1 | Kuehl
◗ Sep 12-May 14 | T | 7-8:30 pm 9 Sessions | Fee : $ 25 | Northdale MS AL077-2C81-F1 | Brchan
NEW | How To Do A Virtual & Traditional Book Launch ( Hybrid class )
This course will cover what ’ s needed to do a virtual and traditional book launch . After taking this course , you will be able to create a personalized timeline and checklist for your launch , understand what materials you will need , and estimate how much it will cost . This is a hybrid class which is being taught in-person and online .
◗ Nov 9-Nov 16 | Th | 6:30-7:30 pm 2 Sessions | Fee : $ 59 | Staff Dev Ctr AL077-2D02-F1 | Kekeocha
◗ Nov 9-Nov 16 | Th | 6:30-7:30 pm 2 Sessions | Fee : $ 59 | Online AL077-2D02-F2 | Kekeocha 1
◗ Nov 9-Nov 16 | Th | 11 am-12 pm 2 Sessions | Fee : $ 59 | Online AL077-2D02-F3 | Kekeocha ƒ1
NEW | Hauntings and History of the Emerald Isle
Ireland is famous for its “ thin places ,” a membrane or a thin layer between worlds that cross over each other . From pagan times to present , Ireland ’ s dark history has been recorded in its abbeys and churches , forts and castles , jails and graveyards by those who lived during those turbulent times and often perished because of them . Their ghosts are eyewitnesses to this history . Sometimes , they are the history .
◗ Oct 19 | Th | 7-8 pm 1 Session | Fee : $ 25 | Online AL077-2C95-F1 | Gossler-Anderson 1
Paranormal Investigating 101
You ’ ve seen it on TV , now you can learn the basics of ghost-hunting and paranormal investigations . You ’ ll see evidence from actual investigations , discover what equipment works best , learn investigation ethics and proper investigation techniques . What does it take to run an investigation ? We ’ ll cover what you need to know from start to finish . You ’ ll even have a chance to get hands-on experience with equipment and techniques during a mini investigation at the end of class .
◗ Oct 12 | Th | 7-9:30 pm 1 Session | Fee : $ 45 | Sandburg Edu Ctr AL077-2C74-F1 | Steffens
Paranormal Investigating 102
You ’ ve learned the basics in Paranormal Investigating 101 , now let ’ s put your skills to the test with a full investigation ! We ’ ll split into groups to investigate and come together at the end to compare notes . Bring any equipment you may have to use during class . We will have a few pieces of equipment to borrow as well . Prerequisite : Paranormal Investigating 101
◗ Nov 9 | Th | 7-9:30 pm 1 Session | Fee : $ 55 | AMSFA-Fred Moore AL077-2C72-F1 | Steffens
The Oh So Normal Paranormal
Interested in the supernatural but concerned it isn ’ t natural ? Author and Intuitive Coach Jodi Livon , The Happy Medium ®, has over thirty years of solid experience in the world of metaphysics and has been the resident psychic on the popular television show , “ Twin Cities Live ,” since 2009 . Livon says the paranormal is completely normal and presents a thrilling presentation on alternative dimensions : the other side , ghosts , spirits , energy forms and beings . Get clarification about the Earth realm , haunted places , and types of ghosts such as human spirits , animal spirits and poltergeists . Learn how to consciously open up and sense spirit activity .
◗ Sep 27 | Th | 6:30-9 pm 1 Session | Fee : $ 39 | Champlin Park HS AL077-2C94-F1 | Livon
| Tracking Dracula
Published in 1897 , Bram Stoker ’ s Gothic novel , Dracula , launched an entire genre of literature and film about vampires , those sinister figures who use their supernatural powers to hunt humans and drink their blood . From the comfort and safety of your armchair , we will track Dracula from the stone-cold crypt beneath St . Michan ’ s Church in Dublin , to the magnificent ruin of Whitby Abbey in England , to the storied castles of Romania once frequented by Vlad Tepes , known by reputation as “ Vlad the Impaler .”
◗ Oct 12 | Th | 7-8 pm 1 Session | Fee :$ 25 | Online AL077-2C97-F1 | Gossler-Anderson 1
NEW | Introduction to Online Genealogy
There has never been a better time to start discovering your family ’ s history . Gone are the days of traveling to courthouse basements and archives . You can now research easily from your own home . Join Jennifer , as she teaches you in-person how to get started and reviews subscription websites . She ’ ll also teach you what tools to use , which types of records you ’ ll find , plus you ’ ll learn how to be an effective and accurate researcher .
◗ Dec 11 | M | 6-7:30 pm 1 Session | Fee : $ 35 | Staff Dev Ctr AL077-2C88-F1 | Shaffer
NEW | Coached Writing & Feedback Group ( Hybrid class )
Calling all writers ! Are you interested in sharing your writing and getting feedback and guidance from a professional writing coach ? If so , come ready to share and take notes ! This is a hybrid class which is being taught in-person and online .
◗ Nov 30-Dec 14 | Th | 6-7:30 pm 3 Sessions | Fee : $ 65 | Staff Dev Ctr AL077-2D01-F1 | Kekeocha
◗ Nov 30-Dec 14 | Th | 6-7:30 pm 3 Sessions | Fee : $ 65 | Online AL077-2D01-F2 | Kekeocha 1
◗ Nov 30-Dec 14 | Th | 11 am-12:30 pm
3 Sessions | Fee : $ 65 | Online AL077-2D01-F3 | Kekeocha ƒ1
14 FALL 2023 | 763-506-5766 | www . discovercommunityed . com