No matter how prepared for death one is , there will always be tasks left for survivors to do . Most of them can be undertaken in an orderly fashion over time , but some need immediate attention . Identify what needs to be done , when and by whom . Pick up some tips that can help families avoid liquidity problems , facilitate bill paying and mitigate family dynamics or issues . Taught by an estates and trusts attorney .
w Nov 1 | 6:30-8 pm | 1 Session | Fee : $ 25 T | Staff Dev Ctr | AL077-2C37-F1 | Henning
Early retirement can be an exciting time , but it can also bring a lot of questions . “ What do I do about health insurance before I am eligible for Medicare ?” Learn what to consider before leaving your employer group coverage , discover different options available to fill the gap before you become eligible for Medicare and study the ins and outs of how to navigate MNSure , the Minnesota health insurance marketplace .
w Sep 28 | 6-7:30 pm | 1 Session | Fee : $ 29 W | Staff Dev Ctr | AL077-2C32-F1 | Gaylord
Whether it is your very first home , dream home , or investment property , the home buying process can be intimidating . This class will walk through the ever-changing real estate market and empower you to make educated decisions when purchasing . We will help you create a plan based on your goals , limitations , timeline and the market specific to where you are looking to buy . Learn how to personalize the home buying plan that fits you best .
w Sep 27 | 6:30-8 pm | 1 Session | Fee : $ 25 T | Staff Dev Ctr | AL-077-2C38-F1 | Olson
Airbnb and VRBO ( short term rental ) are ways people make money . Is this right for you ? Come learn from an Airbnb owner how to find property , set up your rental , potential risks and problems and how to set yourself up for success . An interactive class with real life examples .
w Nov 7 | 6:30-8:30 pm | 1 Session | Fee : $ 29 M | Staff Dev Ctr | AL077-2C45-F1 | Kaas
the Family Cabin or Farm
Keeping property in the family and avoiding problems requires a good plan and solid professional advice . Learn options and strategies for minimizing disputes and keeping a cabin or other family-owned property within the family for generations to come . Instructor is an attorney practicing in the areas of estate planning , real estate and business .
w Dec 6 | 6:30-8:30 pm | 1 Session | Fee : $ 29 T | Staff Dev Ctr | AL077-2C30-F1 | Bolt Hoffer Boyd
Will you be getting Medicare coverage within the next year ? Find out how to enroll , how much Medicare costs , what it covers and what type of extra coverage you may need .
w Sep 22 | 6-7:30 pm | 1 Session | Fee : $ 25 Th | Staff Dev Ctr | AL077-2C34-F1 | Pfeifer
w Oct 20 | 10-11:30 am | 1 Session | Fee : $ 25 Th | Sandburg Edu Ctr | AL077-2C34-F2 | Pfeifer
So , you ’ ve written a book . Now what ? Whether you ’ ve written the great American novel and want to share it with the world ; or your memoirs to pass on to family and friends — this class is for you . In the first session you will learn how to prepare your manuscript for publishing ; the business of selling your books ; and some tips on marketing and promotion .
The second session will be a hands-on learning experience of preparing your manuscript and cover in Microsoft Word , setting up a Kindle Direct Publishing account and uploading your files and publishing your book on Amazon . We recommend that you bring your own laptop computer with WIFI capability and Microsoft Word installed for this session .
Updated Guide book included .
w Oct 6 & Oct 13 | 6-8 pm | 2 Sessions | Fee : $ 39 Th | Staff Dev Ctr | AL077-2C48-F1 | Gossler Anderson
The decisions couples make now can have a tremendous impact on the total amount of benefits they stand to receive over their lifetime . Identify factors that can help you get more out of the Social Security system .
w Dec 13 | 6:30-8:30 pm | 1 Session | Fee : $ 25 T | Staff Dev Ctr | AL077-2C43-F1 | Davis ƒ