Community Education - current class catalogs Adult activities and classes - Fall 2022 | Page 25


Intro to the Art of Bonsai
Explore the ancient art of bonsai — your own tree in miniature . This hands-on course will take away the mystique and show you how to create , maintain and shape your own tree . You ’ ll be guided through the creation of your own bonsai tree in class . Instructor , Lionel Flood , is the past president of the Minnesota Bonsai Society . Supply fee of $ 40 paid to instructor at class .
w Sep 19 & Sep 26 | 7-9:30 pm | 2 Sessions | Fee : $ 45 M | Champlin Park HS | AL077-2C17-F1 | Flood
Basic Home Plumbing
Learn to repair minor plumbing problems and save money in the process . Take apart different types of faucets , replace pop-up drain assembly and discuss internal working of a toilet . Includes the Step by Step Guidebook to Home Plumbing .
w Oct 25 | 6-8:30 pm | 1 Session | Fee : $ 55 T | Northdale MS | AL077-2C08-F1 | Novinska
w Nov 29 | 6-8:30 pm | 1 Session | Fee : $ 55 T | Northdale MS | AL077-2C08-F2 | Novinska
NEW | Organizing / Downsizing — Where to begin ?
Keep , sell , donate , toss ? Organizing or downsizing , whether for a move or making do where you are , can be overwhelming . Explore the steps to make your experience easier . Create a plan , determine what to keep , what to sell , where to donate and more . Uncover the satisfaction of organized living !
w Sep 20 | 6:30-8 pm | 1 Session | Fee : $ 29 T | Staff Dev Ctr | AL077-2C12-F1 | Cofer
Home Electrical Repair I
Learn about basic electrical home repair in this introductory class . Review different types and gauge of wire , application and safety . Proper techniques discussed for stripping wire , attaching to outlets , switches and light fixtures , as well as test equipment . Compare different light bulbs and proper selection of LED light bulbs . Demonstration on how to rewire a lamp and repair extension cords . Bring straight and Phillips screwdrivers , long nose pliers and wire stripping pliers to class if you have them . Includes handouts and Step-by-Step Guidebook to Home Wiring .
Electrical Repair II
Continue learning by attending this hands-on class . Install single pole and three-way switches , outlets and light fixtures to energize a light bulb and test the circuit . Discuss proper installation of different light fixtures and ceiling fans . Prerequisite : Basic Home Electrical Repair Class I . Bring your Step-by-Step Guidebook to Home Wiring , wire stripper , Phillips screwdriver and long-nose pliers . Handouts provided .
w Oct 11 | 6-8 pm | 1 Session | Fee : $ 55 T | Northdale MS | AL077-2C07-F1 | Novinska
w Nov 15 | 6-8 pm | 1 Session | Fee : $ 55 T | Northdale MS | AL077-2C07-F2 | Novinska
Power Tools for Women I
Explore the world of power tools and woodworking in this introductory , hands-on class . Week one : Learn to safely use drills , sanders , routers and saws . Everyone will use all the tools . Week two : Complete a small woodworking project to take home . Note : Long hair must be tied back and no loose clothing for safety reasons . Bring safety goggles , tape measure and pencil . Class held at Francis Kaas Shop in Ramsey . Supply fee of $ 30 paid to instructor at class .
w Oct 4 & Oct 11 | 6:30-8:30 pm | 2 Sessions | Fee : $ 49 T | Off-Site | AL077-2C02-F1 | Kaas
Power Tools for Women II
Continue the learning and woodworking fun in this sequel to “ Power Tools for Women I .” You will make a small end table with a bookshelf . Must be able to transport your project each night . Long hair must be tied back and no loose clothing for safety reasons . Prerequisite : Power Tools for Women I . Bring safety goggles , tape measure and pencil . Class held at Francis Kaas Shop in Ramsey . Supply fee of $ 50-75 paid to instructor at class .
w Nov 1 & Nov 8 | 6:30-8:30 pm | 2 Sessions | Fee : $ 49 T | Off-Site | AL077-2C03-F1 | Kaas w Oct 4 | 6-8 pm | 1 Session | Fee : $ 55 T | Northdale MS | AL077-2C06-F1 | Novinska
w Nov 1 | 6-8 pm | 1 Session | Fee : $ 55 T | Northdale MS | AL077-2C06-F2 | Novinska www . discovercommunityed . com | 763-506-5766 | FALL 2022 25