Acupressure to Assist with Weight Loss
Acupressure is an Eastern healing technique that involves pressing or massaging key points on the body to stimulate energy flow through pathways called meridians . Learn the main pressure points that help strengthen thyroid function , boost metabolism , control appetite , decrease food cravings , reduce stress eating and strengthen the entire digestive system . See website for additional Janice Novak class offerings .
w Oct 4 | 6-7:30 pm | 1 Session | Fee : $ 29 M | Online | AL077-2W07-F1 | Novak
Does Diet and Lifestyle Affect Arthritis ?
The number of people with arthritis is growing . Why is that ? Following a healthy diet and staying active are recommended for treatment , to maintain quality of life , and may help with prevention . Discover holistic options that are available for arthritis .
w Oct 25 | 6-7:30 pm | 1 Session | Fee : $ 29 M | Staff Dev Ctr | AL077-2W38-F1 | Carpentier
Healthy Eating for One or Two
Are you a one-or two-person household and struggle to prepare healthy meals without wasting a lot of food and money ? Discuss batch cooking and how to plan healthy meals for one to two people .
w Nov 8 | 6-7:30 pm | 1 Session | Fee : $ 29 M | Northdale MS | AL077-2W25-F1 | Carpentier
Introduction to Meditation
Integrates learning about meditation and practicing meditation . Learn how your energy , emotions and thoughts connect to your physical body . Discover the numerous health benefits to meditation and explore several different meditation exercises and techniques that teach you to ground , relax and de-stress . Leave with tools and skills that will reduce stress and help you live a happy , connected life ! Instructor is an experienced yoga instructor and chiropractor specializing in mind-body medicine and emotional release . Bring pillow and blanket .
w Sep 27 | 6-8 pm | 1 Session | Fee : $ 35 M | Staff Dev Ctr | AL077-2W28-F1 | Miller
Meditation for Stress Management
Do you need to remind yourself how to relax , or just need an hour to decompress ? Join us for a relaxation meditation that will allow you to be more present in your body , encourage the release of stress , and return to a calm mind . You will be led through breathing techniques , body relaxation meditations , pain release meditations , and posture exercises during this journey of stress release . Learn to let go of your stress and re-discover a calm in your body and mind . Bring a pillow and blanket .
w Nov 29 | 6-7 pm | 1 Session | Fee : $ 29 M | Staff Dev Ctr | AL077-2W27-F1 | Miller
NEW | Move Waste from your Waist
Waist size is a strong indicator of our overall health ! Find out how to remove toxic waste and eliminate the health-harming chemicals that are produced by belly fat . w Sep 16 | 6-7:30 pm | 1 Session | Fee : $ 25 Th | Northdale MS | AL077-2W20-F1 | Watts
NEW | Natural Burial
Natural burial is among the most ancient of rituals to honor a body after-death . Learn how natural burial is making a comeback , the three designations of natural burial cemeteries ( according to the Green Burial Council ), and how your afterdeath choices can fully reflect the values of your life . w Sep 20 | 6:30-8 pm | 1 Session | Fee : $ 19 M | Staff Dev Ctr | AL077-2W21-F1
NEW | Reiki Level I Certification
Discover traditional hands-on Japanese Usui Reiki - what it is , how it heals , and how you can be a proper and effective channel for healing energy to flow . Level I Reiki connects you to the Reiki energy and combines teachings , discussion , attunements , meditations and experiential practice in an organized and relaxed program . A class manual and certificate of completion is included . Class will break for lunch ; participants responsible for their own food .
w Sep 11 | 9 am-4 pm | 1 Session | Fee : $ 150 Sa | Staff Dev Ctr | AL077-2W13-F1 | Steffens
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