Community Education - current class catalogs Adult activities and classes - Fall 2014 | Page 27
NEW | Abdominal Strengtheners
Is Your Waistband Too Tight Today?
That Won’t Stress Back & Neck Joints
If you have back or neck discomfort, strengthening all 4 layers of
abdominal muscle is crucial. The problem with most ab exercises is
they put too much stress on back and neck joints and can actually
cause more problems than help. In this workshop you will learn a
series of extremely effective exercises that will quickly strengthen
your abdominals without stressing your neck or back-all done
without having to get onto the floor. No crunches allowed. Class
fee: $39 one class; $65 both Oct. 25 Janice Novak classes.
w ct 25 | 9:30-11 am | 1 Session
Sa | Staff Dev Ctr | AL077-2W22-F1 | Novak
Pants fit fine in the morning, but by mid-afternoon, the waistband
squeezes you like a tourniquet? Feel that no matter how many
crunches you do, your stomach still hangs out? Getting rid of a
potbelly is much more than just doing ab exercises. Learn the
main causes and 6 strategies for getting rid of belly bloat. Wear
comfortable clothes as you will do a few ab exercises designed to
strengthen all 4 layers of abdominal muscle so that you no longer
have to waste your time on crunches. Class fee: $39 one class;
$65 both Nov. 15 Janice Novak classes.
w ov 15 | 9:30-11 am | 1 Session
Sa | Staff Dev Ctr | AL077-2W23-F1 | Novak
NEW | Alzheimer’s-Information & Support
for Caregivers
Become more informed about Alzheimer’s disease and its
progression and related behaviors. Identify strategies to manage
behaviors and to encourage someone with Alzheimer’s to engage
in activities. Hear suggestions on ways to care for the caregiver as
well. Instructor, Karyn Vogel, is a licensed social worker with more
than 20 years experience working with people with dementia and
their caregivers. Class fee: $19 one; $25 two.
w ct 6 | 6:30-8:30 pm | 1 Session
M | Staff Dev Ctr | AL077-2W16-F1 | Vogel
Just Breathe!
Scientists are beginning to understand what ancient civilizations
knew long ago-breathing in specific ways can have amazing
healing benefits on mind and body. Breath work is the single most
powerful thing you can practice for improving energy levels, health
and well-being. Discover eight ancient breathing exercises that
will neutralize stress, increase energy, vitality and brain function;
improve immune response; decrease depression and anxiety; and
strengthen the connection between body, mind and spirit. Class
fee: $39 one class; $65 both Nov. 15 Janice Novak classes.
w ov 15 | 11:15 am-12:45 pm | 1 Session
Sa | Staff Dev Ctr | AL077-2W21-F1 | Novak
Foods to Reduce Pain & Inflammation
Your food choices affect the level of pain and inflammation you
experience. Learn the importance of balancing blood sugar to
manage inflammation. Understand why processed carbohydrates
increase pain and inflammation and discover easy ways to replace
processed foods with real foods. Discover how therapeutic
Omega-3 essential fatty acid and key minerals, such as magnesium,
can help minimize pain and inflammation. Presented by Nutritional
Weight and Wellness. (2.4 RN CEUs) Class fee: $39.
w ov 11 | 6-8 pm | 1 Session
T | Sandburg Edu Ctr | AL077-2W17-F1
6 Strategies to Win the Battle of a Bulging Belly
NEW | Nutritional Weight & Wellness
6 Week Series
It’s time to feel better than you have in years! Improve your
energy level, your mood and your digestion while you decrease
pain and inflammation with the help of this comprehensive series.
Learn cutting-edge nutrition, follow a simple eating plan based
on real food you buy at a grocery store and enjoy a discount
on nutrition counseling appointments during class series. Price
includes class, nutrition guide and recipe book. Call to register
with a friend and each will save $25 on class fee. CEUs for RNs
available. Class fee: $249.
w ct 2 - Nov 6 | 6:30-8:30 pm | 6 Sessions
Th | Sandburg Edu Ctr | AL077-2W18-F1 | 763-506-5766 | 2014 FALL