Send us your snaps!
Hanging Out
Listening to music with your friends and taking group selfies? Send them in!
Attending Programs
Show us whats you hosted or enjoyed attending!
Having Fun
We wanna see you doing what you love to do. Riding horses, playing intramurals, owning the stage, gaming, whatever!
Acting a Fool
Let's be honest, you all do it. Don't be embarrassed! You're among friends and family!
The end of the year Housing banquet is fast approaching and we need your photos! We want to include the memories of all of our members so feel free to send in as many as you want! Just make sure that they include you and at least one other staff member, resident, supervisor, etc. Send your photos to the link below!
These pictures are going to be used to help decorate and set the mood for the event. The banquet is a time to enjoy the memories and share recognition with your fellow staff members, friends, family, and community. Help us help you enjoy it to the fullest!
~ End of Year Banquet Planning Committee