Columbus Fire and Rescue Magazine Volume 4 Numer 2 | Page 25

- Alcohol and boating are never to be mixed. - Almost 1/3 of all boating accidents are alcohol related because alcohol impairs judgement. - For general boating rules and regulatio ns for Mississippi you can go to Watching Children near Wat er - Children are never to be left unattend ed near any source of water, including a bath tub. - Never leave a child to attend to anot her child. - There always needs to be a responsi ble adult supervising children, even if a life guard is present. - If a child is missing, check the wate r first because time is of the essence when it comes to drowning or permanent disa bilities. - Have children fitted with the correct sized PFD/ Life Jacket. Activating Emergency Personnel In the event that a water emergency take s place in Lowndes County, Mississip pi: - Call 911 giving the operator as muc h detail about the situation as possible. - By calling 911 for a water related eme rgency you will activate a response by the Columbus Fire & Rescue Swift Water/D ive Rescue Team.