Columbus Fire and Rescue Magazine Volume 4 Numer 2 | Page 24

swim, don't go in immer or just learning to - If you're not a good sw can't touch the bottom. water that’s so deep you ocean) is different from water (like a river, lake or of dy bo en op an in ng - Swimmi dle the currents and other need more energy to han l wil u Yo ol. po a in ng swimmi open water. changing conditions in the Floatation Device)/Life ays wear a PFD (Personal alw to is mb thu of e rul - A good your feet in the water. jacket when you cannot see its to swimming. Pay attenstrong currents are off lim ely rem ext h wit as are - Some posted in the tion to any warning signs area. Instructor. ng lessons from a Certified mi im sw h wit en ldr chi e - Provid Underwater Hazards hard to see. udy where hazards may be clo are t tha as are in ing - Be careful about div hidden objects g in. You are looking for pin lea ore bef ter wa the - Check the depth of shallow water. like rocks, logs and even , paralysis, manent spinal cord damage per es, uri inj d hea se cau - Diving head first can and sometimes even death. Boating than in train wrecks or ple die in boating accidents - More peo drowning. airplane crashes due to atation Device)/Life wear a PFD (Personal Flo to s up gro age all for nt st wear an approved - It is importa lve years and younger mu twe e on any t bu g, atin bo derway on any Jackets when atation Device) when un Flo nal rso (Pe D PF V or Type I, II, III vessel.