Colossium Magazine September Issue_2019 | Page 40

ROD: It wasn’t easy at the initial stage because people didn’t know the brand and were skeptical of the quality and its availability. My clients are people who have the taste for good products and high quality customer service and relationship which I go out of my way to satisfy. I always go in for the best fabrics to produce my stuff; I never compromise on that. Also, to get customers glued to my brand at all time I build a lasting friendship with them and meet them at the point of their needs. A customer can call me at 2am to deliver shoes or a shirt because he’s going out of the country in the next hour, I can’t say no. Consumers will always stick with you and recommend you to friends if you make their satisfaction your priority. What are some of the challenges you’ve faced in this industry? ROD: Some designers didn’t want to do business with me because I was black and from Africa. It was heart breaking but hey! I am used it now. I remember there were times I changed my accent to that of an African American in order to deal with these designers. How are you taking advantage of social media platforms to boost your business? ROD: I wasn’t on any social media platforms until some few months ago. I thought my target audience was not active users of those platforms. But after seeking the advice of a friend I decided to sign up. Now we are very active on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. And the benefits have been tremendous; I get surprised when people from the Northern Region call to buy from me after they saw my works on my social media pages. Have you achieved your aim of owning a business?