Kenyan president Kenyatta who keeps his
guard up when it comes to the exploitation
of Africans by the western powers.
Thanks to technology, we are much
connected than before. In your opinion
is technology playing any role in the
development of African music?
TOYA: Definitely - like this moment right
now, I don’t have to be in Ghana but you
guys are getting my tunes and connected
to what I AM DOING - Now we don’t need
the record labels and the TV or radio only to
succeed the internet got us!
What is the future for Toya Delazy?
TOYA: Progress - Like water I will never stop
moving unless it’s my time to stop.
If you had the power to change something in
Africa, what will it be?
TOYA: Remove the borders and unite Africa
It’s been talking to you. We are happy to be
working with you.
TOYA: Yeah, and greetings from SA!
What do you have to say about digital
distribution of music in Africa?
TOYA: It’s awesome! Physical also has a place
in our society but digital is making music
accessible to anyone and everyone who has
a connection.
Which platforms are you using to distribute
your music on the continent?
TOYA: I use Spotify, Youtube and Soundcloud
Are you for the unity of the continent or are
you part of those who think we are doing
great individually?
TOYA: I stand for one Africa!!! We never had
borders until the Berlin Conference that
happened in 1884 to 1885 where Europeans
met up and decided on how to cut Africa up
into little tasty pieces to eat. Not one African
was invited to this meeting. We have never
been apart I believe in a No Border Africa.
Which African music artistes are you looking
forward to working with?
TOYA: All the 10, I mentioned above
35 | Colossium . March 2020
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