Colossium Magazine March Issue_2019 | Page 75

Ov er Accessor izing Wear ing Dark Dress Shir ts As we learn more about men’s style, we ab- sorb the information like a sponge. Armed with this new knowledge and eager to put it to good use, guys end up wearing a dress watch, bracelet, pocket square, lapel pin, tie bar, collar pin, suspenders, belt, and anything else that catches their attention – all at once. This is what I like to call the “Christmas tree look”. Real style isn’t about including an arbitrary number of acces- sories into an outfit but rather blending them seamlessly so that no single element dominates. There’s nothing inherently wrong with darker colored dress shirts, but they do take more skill to pull off. They don’t flatter every complexion, can be hard to match to certain suits, and are generally considered more casual than lighter dress shirts. But where things go really awry is when your tie is lighter than your shirt. This look can be pulled off, but should be left to the more seasoned style vets. Solution – When it comes to style, less is often more. Pick one or two accessories and make it your signature look. If you love French cuff shirts, rock the cufflinks but skip the lapel flower and tie bar. If you find yourself becoming a watch aficio- nado, you can probably stand to skip the bracelets and rings. Solution – When in doubt, choose lighter dress shirts. They’re universally flatter- ing, appropriate in nearly all settings, and when worn with a jacket, help draw the eye up to there wearer’s face. There’s nothing wrong with having a wardrobe of white or very light-colored dress shirts with small patterns and stripes for a little color. ng a uildi B . s ts v Outfi g n i y Bu r obe h Ward ent suc v e l a m a for ng ted by p m ost you o r m p p y e l t l rst s and Usua g, the fi a shirt n i y d u d b e d y t an as a w I got m o go ou t w s o i h e s k i this men ta asion - c e. c o e h t n’s styl e m f tie for o rld the wo start in g a buildin f o s m ter to hink in ring in T u t – n n e o v i fore Solut uilding tion be b a t d r n a t u S o r- ces. solid f d unive zed pie i n l a a i l c a e r t p neu nd more s e with terns a t b a o r p d e r l t a sub and your w colors, g n i mality, r r e o t f t a r a fl l sally casual of simi n s e e e c e i w t p s, ap be s texture e the g g d i el shirt r n b n t a a fl h t , ull ple items closet f or exam a F h . t y i s s w e well and dr s. k very r o w rouser t ’t n k c d l a l u wo nd b aters a e w s k l of si