Men like to look and smell good at all times.
First impression it’s said matters therefore it’s
important to make the right fashion state-
ment at all times. Official or casual, you just
have to get it right. Most men pick their ideas
and inspirations form other men...well that’s
not bad, however make sure that whatever
you do, you don’t make the same mistakes as
they do
Sev erely Ov er or Under Dressing
One of the more common style mistakes
I see from young men is completely miss-
ing the formality mark. For many, young
adulthood is the first time we’re exposed
to situations that widely vary in their level
of formality. Without past experience, it
can be really difficult to judge each scenar-
io for the appropriate level of dress. This
lack of experience may cause someone to
wear an “interview suit” out to a laid-back
dinner when trousers and a dress shirt
would’ve been perfectly appropriate. It
can also mean showing up to a straight-
laced networking event in chinos and
your best flannel shirt.
Solution – Learn to love the v-neck sweat-
er over a button down. This is my go-to
look when I’m not 100% certain of the
dress code.