a project and if the conversation is right for
both sides, why not? We are all doing this to
cash out. If that is the way for you to promote
yourself and cash out, it’s cool.
JWK: Do you see yourself doing more in music
than just producing?
PAQ: Yeah, I see myself owning a record label
and lecturing artistes.
JWK: But you don’t see yourself being a per-
forming artiste?
PAQ: I don’t think I want to be a performing ar-
tiste. I don’t see myself doing that. I will rather
remain in the background as a songwriter and
producer. The main stage is not for me – at least
not now.
JWK: What has been your greatest moment as
a music producer?
PAQ: I will say when ‘My Level’ by Shatta Wale
was released. The reaction was unbelievable.
JWK: You cashed out?
PAQ: Yeah, I did. He understands the split sys-
tem, He sorted me out and still does – that’s one
thing I really appreciate when it comes to him.
The fans! Everywhere I go I will be receiving
accolades. I will say this gave me more exposure
las well.
JWK: Which other artistes have you worked
PAQ: I have done a number of collaboration
some of which are yet to be released like the
one I have with Mic Smith and Runtown. I have
done something with Mr Eazi and others too.
JWK: Which moment would you say will be the
greatest for you as a producer?
PAQ: Being on some of the prestigious stages in
the world and being recognized for what I do. It
will be a day you will be grateful to be alive to
witness; seeing people appreciate what you do.
JWK: What’s the role of your family in all this?
PAQ: The support from my family is great. My
dad is my number one fan; I think because he
loves music as much as I. I like to think I got my
music bit from him. He will sometimes try to
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give me clues on my projects although he’s a bit
of old school but I will just nod in agreement
and walk away.
JWK: How would you describe the Ghanaian
music scene now?
PAQ: Major improvement, I will say. I like the
direction it is going now. The sound is ‘dope’,
I mean we have these younger chaps coming
up with really exciting records which are great
sounds that have to be appreciated and sup-
ported. I’m very happy with the direction it’s