Facts are important in
the dissemination of
by Okunupa Nana Kwasi
have stopped listening to radio
these days. I mean why should I
not? For me it is more like an agenda
set by the powers that be to brain
wash the masses. Shape their opin-
ions and make them think they’re
in charge when really they’re not.
It always begins with news; most
of which is about what the NPP has
done and the NDC didn’t do. These
days they have spiced things up as well. Well,
for me it is nothing but a waste of the listener’s
ears. Why do I have to care about someone’s
opinion about a news item? But that’s the prac-
tice of the day. Who invented that, anyway?
8 o’clock am is the time set for all political dis-
cussion programs. Sitting in this yellow paint-
ed Hyundai minivan aka Trotro (public trans-
port), I would notice my new chat mate for the
remaining duration of my journey from Taifa
to Kwame Nkrumah Circle scanning through
the frequencies of his what looks like a jacked
up radio from an old British wagon. Once he
30| Colossium . March 2019
As our gov-
passes laws,
bills, policies
or engages in any
transaction on our
behalf, how much
of it do we really
hear about? ”
couldn’t get the signal right, he would tap it
like a parent smacking the child for something
wrongly done. But it works – bam bam and sud-
denly the consciousness of the child returns to
his cranium, then suddenly all that was wrong
becomes right. Whoever invented this correc-
tional method will live long. Back to my trotro
chat mate, he would steal a sight of me with a
smirk that looks pretty retarded. “Why do you
have that on your face? If it is broken, just get
a new one” I say to myself whilst remaining